Suggestions for how persons without cars might find rides to the nude beaches.

This is pretty simple.
1. Buy an annual parking permit for your favorite nude beach.
Advertise that you have the parking permit if someone is willing to
give you a ride. Yes, you can put up a post here in this group.
You may want to ask, as an option that is up to you, that the driver
also be willing to give a ride to other non-car-owning persons. Work
the details out with the driver as to how many seats he/she might have.
After all the more the merrier.
4. Chances of finding a driver may increase if you are willing to take local transit to a convenient meeting place.
5. If you are not strapped for cash you may also offer to kick in a couple of bucks for gas if the driver wants.
6. If you do not wish to buy an annual parking permit, put up a post offering to contribute for gas and parking expenses.
7. in the header of post start with either
"Have Sauvie Parking Permit, but need ride",
"Have Rooster Rock parking permit but need ride", or
"Looking for Ride(s) to nude beaches, can contribute for gas and parking."

These guidelines are a work in progress and will be updated, changed and rewritten as needed to best serve group members.

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