Changes occurring at VVHS

From the latest newsletter:

What a start we've had to the new year here at Valley View! So many new things are happening. We've decided to do something old and get back to our communal roots. The ways we are doing this are by making Oak House a communal space again, and providing coffee and tea to guests in the Welcome Center every morning. Campers and those staying in small cabins without a kitchen have the option to use the facilities at the Oak House. We ask that campers continue using the food storage cabin to store their food, and those staying in the small cabins use their refrigerators. Please continue to be mindful of extra quiet hours from 10 pm-8 am, especially in communal spaces. The pavilion kitchen is still an option, and we strongly encourage guests to use this space when weather permits. Thank you for your everlasting
support and understanding.

We look forward to communing over a warm beverage with you all again!

Amory Reed

Visitor Services Manager

January 2025

While I'm glad they are bringing the coffee and tea back to the welcome center, I think opening the Oak House kitchen back up to everyone is a mistake. It's just too tight of a space and people not staying in the Oak House, but wanting to use that kitchen, are going to use the fridge for convenience. The communal atmosphere is available under the pavilion.

John aka cobeachbum

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