Nudity in Family - Advice

I really want to always be naked in front of my parents, just enjoying being naked and them being cool... do you think it would be disrespectful to create situations where I stay naked on purpose around them, even if they are uncomfortable or upset with me? lol up to chat more on telegram: @morningstttar

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RE:Nudity in Family - Advice

it sounds like youve made it into something unhealthy, dont force your nudism on anyone else , especially not your family

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RE:Nudity in Family - Advice

I really want to always be naked in front of my parents, just enjoying being naked and them being cool... do you think it would be disrespectful to create situations where I stay naked on purpose around them, even if they are uncomfortable or upset with me? lol up to chat more on telegram: @morningstttar

Well, I think you should have the self-confidence to practise Nudism and Nudity in present of them. You are nudist, since you was 15. So, just be yourself. Maybe you can stimulate your parents, to become nudists too. I'm sure, your parents will be proud, if they see you naked. Oh, what a beautiful son we have. And if your parents are Christians, then indicate them: God created us nude. So: To wear clothes is a sin.

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