Road Tripping

On rare occasion, I get to drive across the country alone. I always spend a part of these drives without clothes on.

A few years ago, I started an overnight road trip from Denver to St. Cloud. I got on the road and pulled off to strip as soon as I got out of the urban sprawl. I pulled into a rest stop in Nebraska during a wind storm, and slept naked in my car, but using a towel as a blanket. Then I got back on the road before the sun came up.

Typically, I keep a cover handy in case of passing a high profile vehicle. But since I left in the dark, I didn't worry about it. Problem is that I didn't realize when the sun came up, I still didn't have it. I was passed by a large truck with a couple in it, and the woman clearly noticed. After that, I kind of stopped caring. I even checked to see if semi drivers noticed when I passed them. Several waved at me, clearly unconcerned that they could see everything.

On the way back, I was even freer, driving naked all day. I even pulled into rest stops naked before rooting around for my shorts in busy parking areas. So freeing, and so refreshing!

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RE:Road Tripping

I love driving around naked. Sometimes I find a place where I can get out of the truck and have a beer without putting anything on.

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