Trip from Springfield MO area to Medford Oregon

I'll be traveling from Marshfield MO to Medford OR. One way; I will not be making the return trip. I'll be leaving Marshfield between the 10th and the 14th of February.

I'm looking for an adult male traveling companion (21 or older); I am 70. A driver's license, proof of insurance, and the ability to drive a manual transmission would be helpful and appreciated -- but not required.

The ride is free but you'll have to pay for your own food. We can share lodging costs.

Because of the time of year (winter), I'll be taking the southern route through Flagstaff AZ and Bakersfield CA. This trip is about 2,250 miles and will require about 33 hours of driving. We will probably spend three or four nights on the road. (See image)

I have a small car and there will not be a lot of room for luggage. (See image)

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RE:Trip from Springfield MO area to Medford Oregon

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RE:Trip from Springfield MO area to Medford Oregon

Are you moving to Oregon?

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RE:Trip from Springfield MO area to Medford Oregon

Yes. Moving there -- not coming back.

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RE:Trip from Springfield MO area to Medford Oregon


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RE:Trip from Springfield MO area to Medford Oregon

Yes. Moving there -- not coming back.

Congratulations on your move. I know that you have been planning this for a while. I hope you have a lot of opportunities to take advantage of legal public nudity.

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RE:Trip from Springfield MO area to Medford Oregon

Are you moving to Oregon?

PS. Are you having a lot of your stuff brought there or mostly buying new?

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RE:Trip from Springfield MO area to Medford Oregon

Yes. Moving there -- not coming back.Congratulations on your move. I know that you have been planning this for a while. I hope you have a lot of opportunities to take advantage of legal public nudity.

There are lots of houses that are secluded and nestled into BLM or National Forest.

Except for a few cities, public nudity is fairly acceptable.

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RE:Trip from Springfield MO area to Medford Oregon


Why do these images keep getting deleted?

One is a map.

The other is a car.

What rule is being violated by these images?

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RE:Trip from Springfield MO area to Medford Oregon

Yes. Moving there -- not coming back.Congratulations on your move. I know that you have been planning this for a while. I hope you have a lot of opportunities to take advantage of legal public nudity.There are lots of houses that are secluded and nestled into BLM or National Forest.Except for a few cities, public nudity is fairly acceptable.

Are you going to live in a secluded location?

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RE:Trip from Springfield MO area to Medford Oregon

Yes. Moving there -- not coming back.Congratulations on your move. I know that you have been planning this for a while. I hope you have a lot of opportunities to take advantage of legal public nudity.There are lots of houses that are secluded and nestled into BLM or National Forest.Except for a few cities, public nudity is fairly acceptable.Are you going to live in a secluded location?

That is definitely the plan. And there are lots of houses out by themselves or reasonable so.

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