Exam of skin

Yeah I've actually been very disappointed not that I actually want to appear totally nude but I've gone for several skin checks where very little of my body has been exposed so I don't feel like I'm getting a very good exam what does everyone think about that

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RE:Exam of skin

Yeah I've actually been very disappointed not that I actually want to appear totally nude but I've gone for several skin checks where very little of my body has been exposed so I don't feel like I'm getting a very good exam what does everyone think about that

How little is exposed?

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RE:Exam of skin

I've seen the same dermatologist for 7 years. I told him on my first appointment that I'm a nudist and get overall sun and wanted him to check my entire body. I wear my underwear while he does the exam (I don't wear a gown). Then he asks me to pull my underwear down and he thoroughly checks my genitals and ass, just like he checks the rest of my body.

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