Non certified members

I wonder if its just me or is there a lot of people on here trying through pm's to get people to communicate with them elsewhere! I had one a while back trying to get me to meet up in a Motel, who tried to get me to pass over my bank card details to pay for the Motel! I said, we don't have Motels over here so you must be in the States then! That person soon dissapeared off this forum radar. I've now got another who wants to move away from here to Google chat etc. Really!

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RE:Non certified members

Its not just you. They are generally fakes. Ive dealt with quite a few. There are a couple of ways of dealing with them. You can string them along until they ask for money or ignore them.

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RE:Non certified members

Its not just you. The ones that have tried this with me have all turned out to be fakes. How you deal with them is up to you. Just dont give them any money or buy them gift cards.

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