What defines you as a nudist/naturist?

pJust a thought, I was wondering if being social defines you or are you a nudist if no one ever sees you? Are you a nudist because you like being nude, or like being seen nude, or is all of it irrelevent?/ppSo, if being nude was legal, and you were on a beach and everyone was wearing swimsuits or clothes, would you go nude anyway? If you would go nude why are you chosing to be nude, is it because you /p

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RE: What defines you as a nudist/naturist?

There is a joke that real nudists have inherited a nudist gene. It's a part of their DNA. Real nudists enjoy doing everything sans clothing. Many feel that if you have to dress to do it, then it's just not worth doing. As a nudist, my goal is not to be seen by others. I don't mind if I am seen, I just don't want to shock or embarrass any one. I associate with other nudists because we share something in common and we can be relaxed with one another. I call myself a nudist because that's what I am. I do not use euphemisms such as naturist or sun lover. I do not particularly enjoy communing with nature and I am not a slave to getting that all over tan. In reality it'squitesimple. I enjoy being naked.

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I am a nudist because ...

I am a nudist because ...even though I am not perfect, I love who and what I am. I'm no rocket scientist nor a brain surgeon, yet I'm am anaverage "Joe" who just feels confortable with my body, wrinkles, scars and the extra fat that has brought me here today and throught the years. I'm proud to see others as myself without judgement for our phisique or clothing or checking account balance for that matter...I like/accept other people because of their minds and their hearts...regardless of gender, religion, political preferences, race, ethnicity, color, etc, etc, etc... and that's why I'm a nudist, because it makes me feel confortable and one with nature and that/those around me !!!

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RE: What defines you as a nudist/naturist?

I am a AANR/ Cypress Cove member.
I am most comfortable not wearing clothes.
My all over tan.

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RE: What defines you as a nudist/naturist?

First off, if it was legal, being nude in public, like a beach or whatever, I wouldn't care if what everyone else was doing. I've been in a few situations with friends where I was the only one nude. They are not nudists, but they didn't care if I was nude, 'cause that's who I am! That was about 2 years ago. It was just last year I went to Turtle Lake. Even though I've been a "home nudist" for years before that, those two things kind of validated me as a nudist. It just wasn't all talk. When a few people who used to talk about "running around naked" found out that I actually am a nudist, they changed their tune about it. Oh they couldn't imagine being nude at a beach or in front of other people! That disapointed me, because I thought they were serious! Huh!
Anyway, that's the way I feel about it.

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RE: What defines you as a nudist/naturist?

I'm a nudist whether or not any one sees me. I am most comfortable naked than clothed. Clothing hurts by binding, pulling, cutting, etc.


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RE: What defines you as a nudist/naturist?

Bumpity Bump bump

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RE: What defines you as a nudist/naturist?


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RE: What defines you as a nudist/naturist?

What defines it for me is the freedom of not wearing anyclothes indoor or out. The freedom to relax and enjoy life without restraints and constrictions. To do those things I love without clothes. The best part, sharing the love of freedom and relaxation with others.

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RE: What defines you as a nudist/naturist?

What defines it for me is the freedom of not wearing anyclothes indoor or out. The freedom to relax and enjoy life without restraints and constrictions. To do those things I love without clothes. The best part, sharing the love of freedom and relaxation with others.
Same here.

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RE: What defines you as a nudist/naturist?

There are many excellent comments here as to what it means to different people, however, I don't think anyone touched on the question, or questions. Does being social define being a nudist. Everyone has different thoughts on this, is a home nudist a nudist. For me, and I know many will disagree, no. To me, you can practice nudism at home, but your not a nudist until you have joined in some type of Social Setting with other nudists. It doesn't have to be a resort, or beach, but something social. Your not a soldier just by putting on a uniform, you need to join an army. At some point you must cross over the line to join others. Yes, many here do not live close to a resort, or beach, however one would be hard pressed not to find a nudist group in any country or state. When someone tells me they have been a home nudist for 10 years but has never been social, well I have my doubts. Does that mean they do not enjoy being nude, by no means no. They very well might enjoy it, however, part of nudism in acceptance of others for themselves, not body shape or any thing other then being them selves. If that is a part of nudism, how can you be a nudist if you have no desire to practice that aspect of it? Some on here will say that their spouse will not allow it, I feel for them. But again, If they had a race car they drove around the yard, but had never taken it to a race, would they be a race car driver, would you call them one? It may be difficult for some, I understand that, and may they keep up with their "Practice", I feel for them, but to me they are not nudists. As it pertains to some on this site, ones who claim to be home nudists for years, but have never been to a resort, beach, landed or non landed group, but have a ton of pictures of women on thier site, please.

As to the second question, would I go nude in public if it was legal, Yes, as long as it was done as to not offend. Why, because I love it, I love the freedom of it, but most of all, I love my fellow nudists.

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