Groups based on ethnicity

If there are groups for only asians, blacks, indians, etc. Why can't we have a group for White nudists? I've tried to create it but everytime it gets rejected, it seems hypocritical...

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RE:Groups based on ethnicity

You need to ask yourself why that is so important to you. Ethnic groups exist because they don't feel like they are accepted by the white community. It's a shame that bigotry exists within the nudist community.

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RE:Groups based on ethnicity

Are you really this stupid?

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RE:Groups based on ethnicity

My response is an American regarding American cultural and ethnicities. Whereas Asians, Blacks and Indians could be considered ethnicities, I'd argue that whites are not. First, whites/Caucasions are the dominant culture. As a result, non-whites are in the minority. You could argue that Asians, Blacks and Indians are just as diverse as whites, but they share being marginalized by the dominant culture when they're in the US.

As a white middle-aged heteronormative American, I can feel disregarded and marginalized myself. For example, I'm not welcome to attend local nudist resorts because they usually require adult men to have a female chaperone. I can respond with anger or empathy and I choose the later, getting a better understanding how it feels to be on the other side of the fence. I also take interest in minorities and different ethnicities, such as their food, which is typically positively received. As a result, I've been invited and made a lot of friends at our local Turkish cultural center for example. I feel more enriched by this than focusing on the food culture of our dominant culture, such as McDonalds and Chipotle.

Since the white culture is huge in the US, I also encourage you to narrow down what more specific interest and commonalities you're seeking. Good luck.

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RE:Groups based on ethnicity

no need to get triggered calm down

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