Historical nude exercise at YMCA

I've read that prior to going co-ed after WW2, many activities at the YMCA were conducted nude. At facilities with overnight accomodations, I can imagine that men could go from their rooms straight to the nude only swimming pool without clothes, but imagined men were dressed playing basketball or wrestling in the gymnasiums. Afterall the excuse of fibers clogging filters didn't apply. Therefore I was suprised to see a picture from the first half of the 20th century (undated) titled YMCA Gym Class. It's a balcony shot of a gymnasium in Marietta, Ohio of naked boys doing calesthenics. Here is the link: https://marietta.contentdm.oclc.org/digital/collection/p16824coll5/id/9190/

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RE:Historical nude exercise at YMCA

Very interesting pic! Europe is since around 1900 more open about Nudism than the USA. We have in Germany the german Section of YMCA, the CVJM. But I've never heard anything, that also the CVJM offers skinny dipping. So, I've very interested about the nude swimming at YMCA and also the nude swimming at schools. Especially, 'cause only Boys have to swim nude and the Teachers too. Also for a German, who was growing up in the open and liberal atmosphere of Nudism in Germany, this part of US-Nudism is very interesting.

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RE:Historical nude exercise at YMCA

Yes swimming for boys and men was nude mandatory at the YMCA, other male only athletic facilities and male only schools. Many other schools and athletic facilities had gender segregated swimming and boys and men swam nude. At male only camps nude swimming was standard. The what to bring list for Boy Scout camp even said something like no need to bring a swimsuit since most boys don't wear one.
While doing other athletic activities nude was not universal, it was not uncommon. Weightlifting gymnastics, basketball, indoor track, volleyball, even wrestling were sometimes done nude. There was a Yahoo Group called YMCA Naked for reminiscing about it.

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RE:Historical nude exercise at YMCA

Yes swimming for boys and men was nude mandatory at the YMCA, other male only athletic facilities and male only schools. Many other schools and athletic facilities had gender segregated swimming and boys and men swam nude. At male only camps nude swimming was standard. The what to bring list for Boy Scout camp even said something like no need to bring a swimsuit since most boys don't wear one.While doing other athletic activities nude was not universal, it was not uncommon. Weightlifting gymnastics, basketball, indoor track, volleyball, even wrestling were sometimes done nude. There was a Yahoo Group called YMCA Naked for reminiscing about it.

Great, if someone can practise all this sports nude, with other Males only. Best kind of growing up for a Boy.

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RE:Historical nude exercise at YMCA

The US never had a mainstream nudist culture like Germany or a lack of social stigma regarding mixed nudity such as in Scandinavian countries. That's why such "historical evidence" of non-aquatic nude sports is important to promote acceptance of social nudity in the US, which is now so overshadowed by homophobia. Whereas it's easy to excuse away naked swimming as being dictated by old-fashioned primitive pool filters, there's no practical arguement that gymnastics, wrestling or other sports required nudity. Rather it just begs the question: why not be casual about clothes when they get in the way more than serving a practical purpose?

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RE:Historical nude exercise at YMCA

[...] there's no practical arguement that gymnastics, wrestling or other sports required nudity. Rather it just begs the question: why not be casual about clothes when they get in the way more than serving a practical purpose?

I dont know. My opinion is: Every kind of gymnastics, wrestlings, workouts should be practise nude. No exception. Also all Gym. There must be a general duty to do physical things nude.

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RE:Historical nude exercise at YMCA

I guess I have never heard of anything like that though I certainly would have enjoyed it. The gym I currently attend has showers, steam room, sauna and hot tub in the men's locker room. So all are clothing optional. About 60% of the men wear swimsuits and maybe 40% go nude. I am of course nude every time the opportunity presents itself and enjoy it immensely. The co-ed areas of the gym are required to be clothed

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RE:Historical nude exercise at YMCA

In this day and age adult male nudity with young boys is a risky endeavor. No matter how innocent the intentions, there are those who will find a way to change the perspective and criminalize it.

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RE:Historical nude exercise at YMCA

In this day and age adult male nudity with young boys is a risky endeavor. No matter how innocent the intentions, there are those who will find a way to change the perspective and criminalize it.

Agreed. It would probably be better to limit nude exercise to those over 18 in the current environment.
In a similar vein, a scout leader told me that the weekly after curfew leaders only swim remained suits optional until female leaders were allowed in camp.

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RE:Historical nude exercise at YMCA

I've read that prior to going co-ed after WW2, many activities at the YMCA were conducted nude. At facilities with overnight accomodations, I can imagine that men could go from their rooms straight to the nude only swimming pool without clothes, but imagined men were dressed playing basketball or wrestling in the gymnasiums. Afterall the excuse of fibers clogging filters didn't apply. Therefore I was suprised to see a picture from the first half of the 20th century (undated) titled YMCA Gym Class. It's a balcony shot of a gymnasium in Marietta, Ohio of naked boys doing calesthenics. Here is the link: https://marietta.contentdm.oclc.org/digital/collection/p16824coll5/id/9190/

Some men in the old YMCA naked group mentioned that when they lived at a YMCA, they would go to their room after dinner, undress, go to the pool and or gym, do whatever athletic activities that wished, shower, shave, return to their room and not dress again until breakfast time.

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RE:Historical nude exercise at YMCA

I did not get to experience nude exercise at the Y. But I did get to enjoy nude swimming. I went to church camp after the 6th grade where we swam naked in the lake everyday (there was no pool).

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