Nude in nature
Are there any nudists here who feel particularly comfortable in nature? And maybe some who like to express that in photos. I dont mean just any photos, but photos that express a connection with nature? Actually, thats what I understand by naturism.
I love nature and feel closer to it when Im naked.
I tend to spend more of my naked time indoors, however I do agree with you, I much prefer to be naked in nature. The warmth of the sun, the cool of the breeze and the smells and feelings of the natural surroundings is exactly why I love naturism and feel more at home outdoors.
I started my journey in naturism by getting naked in nature. It was a while before I spent much time naked inside. I always figured I was clothed in a building, so big deal. Now I am just more comfortable naked, so I don't wear clothes unless it is necessary. Naked in nature has become a spiritual thing for me. How can you be one with nature with an artificial barrier between you and nature? In my opinion, being your base natural self is the best way to be in tune with the natural world, and most people who want to "connect with nature" are missing an important ingredient.
I began my nudist journey as a home nudist at 14. I'd make up any excuse possible not to get in the car with family and go visit family or run errands. While family was gone, I explored nudity outside in our backyard. It wasn't until I joined the Navy and was stationed in the SF Bay area that I learned of nude beaches and remote wooded areas in that area. It got easier to explore once I had a car up there with me.
I was fortunate to have a shipmate in my division that was also a nudist. He knew of places to visit, and we'd go to beaches, lakes and hiking areas where we could be nude. Though not legal then, smoking pot and drinking wine helped greatly with the nervousness. As time passed, I found my own ways of finding places and would go alone. I found Bonny Doon Beach in Davenport, CA and met some really great friends from the nearby university. It was my go-to place on weekends when I couldn't come home.
Nowadays, I love exploring and venturing out to our local desert areas. There are lots of off road trails I take my Jeep and can drive naked out there comfortably. I can get out, set up my chair, have a beverage and cigar and enjoy the natural surrounding while being completely nude and natural. There are several mountain trails I'm looking into to explore. My favorite place to be nude in nature, so far, has been in Death Valley Nat'l Park here in California. I've been going off roading in the park for over 20 years now and have found some great places where you're pretty much all alone and little to zero other people.
I feel more comfortable nude in nature, and originally started my nudism in my childhood by getting naked in nature. Now, no matter where I am I feel more comfortable in nothing but my own skin. I like to wear a robe though when it is cold.
My earliest memory of nudist activity was when I was five or six and involved getting naked with the naborhood boys out in the woods. We played all of the kinds of games kids play (hide & seek, cops & robbers, tag, etc.), just did it without clothes. Games quickly changed to camping and fishing as I got older.
Where I lived there was a large patch of relatively undeveloped woods with a creek running through the middle. We spent many a summer day fishing in the creek. Fishing always led to skinny dipping and spending the rest of the day naked. Good times...
These days, I most relish camping and "Forest Bathing" ( we used to call it get'n neked in the woods). I'm never more serine than when sitting quitely and contemplating my natural surroundings. Very much looking forward to warmer weather as it's been far too long since I had a "Bath"!
I live rural. No other homes in view around me. So I have hiked along farmer's fields nude. Often not even carrying any shorts with me. Once a tractor was plowing the opposite side of the field. I was lit up by the setting sun If the farmer noticed he never commented
The adjacent property owner to the north did stop by once and I greeted him nude. He told me go ahead and hike his land nude. He has since died and his son now owns it. I only met the son once ( I was clothed) he is not friendly so no more hikes there
I was used to hiking thru the 20 acre would behind my home nude. An old guy in a nursing home owned it. But he died , an Amish guy bought it to hunt on. I hiked nude non hunting season, he caught me on game cam. When he told me not to hike anymore . He never even mentioned my nudity. Just my trespassing !
One of my first experiences being a nudist was in nature. Id always wanted to go to a beach with other people but when the opportunity came up to be alone and naked in a secluded forest came up I couldnt stop myself and I really enjoyed it. Photos on my profile from the time in the woods.
I know what you mean. I have always enjoyed being nude when out in nature. It heightens my connection to the elements. I can think of many places where the beauty and energy of a place almost demand sharing it naked. There are some local spots that I seek out often during good weather and I can usually find a spot where I can indulge this pleasure when I travel.