Nude in nature

Are there any nudists here who feel particularly comfortable in nature? And maybe some who like to express that in photos. I dont mean just any photos, but photos that express a connection with nature? Actually, thats what I understand by naturism.
I love nature and feel closer to it when Im naked.

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RE:Nude in nature

I tend to spend more of my naked time indoors, however I do agree with you, I much prefer to be naked in nature. The warmth of the sun, the cool of the breeze and the smells and feelings of the natural surroundings is exactly why I love naturism and feel more at home outdoors.

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RE:Nude in nature

I started my journey in naturism by getting naked in nature. It was a while before I spent much time naked inside. I always figured I was clothed in a building, so big deal. Now I am just more comfortable naked, so I don't wear clothes unless it is necessary. Naked in nature has become a spiritual thing for me. How can you be one with nature with an artificial barrier between you and nature? In my opinion, being your base natural self is the best way to be in tune with the natural world, and most people who want to "connect with nature" are missing an important ingredient.

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