Men with partners who arent nudists
Who here have partners who arent/wernt into nudism? Im in this situation and my girlfriends is reluctant. We went to a nudist beach together but she remained clothed while I was nude. She was uncomfortable and I think she feels nudists are creeps. Any advice to help her understand and maybe participate? I dont want to push her into it.
Hello my wife was the same way i would go nude she would wear her bikini and as she got more comfortable being around others she slowly removed her top and would go that way and finaly go nude. now we are both nudist together and have been to many resorts and nude beaches and also two nude cruises. biggest thing is to not push her into it she will do it on her own.
Birds of the same feather flock together, as the saying goes. That's why I think other women your gf's age/demographics have the best chance of helping her feel more comfortable in her own naked skin. I'd look into resorts or activities focusing on your age group. I'm not familiar with nudism in Scotland, but if it attracts primarily pensioners then it will likely be harder for her to relate. I hope you're having great sex naked together, as it's the foundation of any healthy relationship at your age. But if she associates your nudity with only sex, her bridge from private to public nudity is steep and long. I try to decouple and normalize nudity by cooking and cleaning naked and blame it on less laundry. It puts my nudity in a mundane and sexually neutral (or yes likely unappealing) light. If you could find a nudist couple you have things in common with and include nudity to the degree that everyone is comfortable. you're on a good path (assuming you're not swingers anyway). Rather than saying, sorry, not easy, I will conclude by saying you're a lucky man to have a gf who even allows you to ask these questions to others as well as to yourself. Good luck!
Birds of the same feather flock together, as the saying goes. That's why I think other women your gf's age/demographics have the best chance of helping her feel more comfortable in her own naked skin. I'd look into resorts or activities focusing on your age group. I'm not familiar with nudism in Scotland, but if it attracts primarily pensioners then it will likely be harder for her to relate. I hope you're having great sex naked together, as it's the foundation of any healthy relationship at your age. But if she associates your nudity with only sex, her bridge from private to public nudity is steep and long. I try to decouple and normalize nudity by cooking and cleaning naked and blame it on less laundry. It puts my nudity in a mundane and sexually neutral (or yes likely unappealing) light. If you could find a nudist couple you have things in common with and include nudity to the degree that everyone is comfortable. you're on a good path (assuming you're not swingers anyway). Rather than saying, sorry, not easy, I will conclude by saying you're a lucky man to have a gf who even allows you to ask these questions to others as well as to yourself. Good luck!