
18The site goes to great lengths to be certain that there are no photos of anyone under 18 posted by members.
Yet, the login screen picture includes 2 preteens.
Can anyone explain the discrepency?

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I don't know what you're seeing on your logon screen - I do see on the logging out screen a trio of people, two youngish looking gals and a guy between them, but in no way do they look preteen to me.

Anyone else seeing what minimalist75 is seeing here?

I hope you have fun at Haulover! We expect a full report when you get back from it.

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I don't know what you're seeing on your logon screen - I do see on the logging out screen a trio of people, two youngish looking gals and a guy between them, but in no way do they look preteen to me.Anyone else seeing what minimalist75 is seeing here?I hope you have fun at Haulover! We expect a full report when you get back from it.

Yes I meant log out screen. I have posted my experiences elsewhere on the site.

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I don't know what you're seeing on your logon screen - I do see on the logging out screen a trio of people, two youngish looking gals and a guy between them, but in no way do they look preteen to me.Anyone else seeing what minimalist75 is seeing here?I hope you have fun at Haulover! We expect a full report when you get back from it.Yes I meant log out screen. I have posted my experiences elsewhere on the site.

Forgot say the girls look about 12 to me.

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I don't know what you're seeing on your logon screen - I do see on the logging out screen a trio of people, two youngish looking gals and a guy between them, but in no way do they look preteen to me.Anyone else seeing what minimalist75 is seeing here?I hope you have fun at Haulover! We expect a full report when you get back from it.Yes I meant log out screen. I have posted my experiences elsewhere on the site.Forgot say the girls look about 12 to me.
... and well under 18 I'm any event.

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I gave up believe the site owners had any principles or consistency years ago. But I find that surprising given potential legal consequences whereby any pictures of naked minors can be considered to be child pornography.

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I don't know what you're seeing on your logon screen - I do see on the logging out screen a trio of people, two youngish looking gals and a guy between them, but in no way do they look preteen to me.Anyone else seeing what minimalist75 is seeing here?I hope you have fun at Haulover! We expect a full report when you get back from it.Yes I meant log out screen. I have posted my experiences elsewhere on the site.Forgot say the girls look about 12 to me.

Now that I know what picture you are talking about, I can tell you both are over 18 and are regular contributors to the site. I know they look young, but they are just small.

John aka cobeachbum

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Well even if they are of age should we really be promoting the young nude body look.
Its as if they are promoting sex and not natural nudists .
Ok call me a prude

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Well even if they are of age should we really be promoting the young nude body look.Its as if they are promoting sex and not natural nudists .for me its the same as the practice of using 12 year olds in underwear adds. Ok call me a prude

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Would be interesting to have administrators input into the reasoning on choosing these images
What image they were trying to represent for the group

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The photo in question is a very pleasant and inviting one, with the depiction of nudists who are clearly enjoying their time out in nature with their family and friends. If someone immediately thinks of sex when they see it, I feel that the sexual direction of thought that has taken over the viewer is only in the mind of the beholder, not in the composition. True Nudists takes care to not allow pictures of underage people on their website, but this care in content does not remove underage people from nudism, just the visualization of them.

Furthermore, there ought not be a problem with showing normal pictures of people who are under eighteen years old. The problem is that if these images were allowed here, this site would quickly be closed down because of strict laws against such pictures, with anything like that considered the equivalent of child pornography. Which these things are NOT, for the record. The normal depiction of children in their natural state should be seen as healthy and progressive, but in the atmosphere of the clothed world, where, "Everyone is a pervert who wants to be bare with all ages of people included." The powers that dictate the laws may help protect the greater society from the small percentage of actual offenders, but they also toss out the baby with the bathwater when it comes to the sound - and documented as positive - practice of regular nudism in families and with friends. Need it be said how wonderful it is to see how children raised without the bonds of clothing end up as healthier overall?

Though this site appropriately (and understandably) caters to only adults, the premise of social nudism that doesn't include our children (and their children, etc.) is ridiculous if the pursuit of thriving, family-oriented nudism is, in its actual practice, ever going to be fully accepted and encouraged. Which it NEEDS to be, for the record. Where is our aging population of naturists and nudists heading if the younger generation is not included? So the pictures are not allowed, but the premise of family nudism is a sound one and surely strengthened by this website. Don't let the tang of adults-only in here let us forget that we are all better people when we're bare with everyone!

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