
I don't know what you're seeing on your logon screen - I do see on the logging out screen a trio of people, two youngish looking gals and a guy between them, but in no way do they look preteen to me.Anyone else seeing what minimalist75 is seeing here?I hope you have fun at Haulover! We expect a full report when you get back from it.Yes I meant log out screen. I have posted my experiences elsewhere on the site.Forgot say the girls look about 12 to me.Now that I know what picture you are talking about, I can tell you both are over 18 and are regular contributors to the site. I know they look young, but they are just small.John aka cobeachbum

One of the girls is figuringoutsarah and she is 30.

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What WildWilly said. If nudity is constantly seen as equivalent to sex, then pictures of people under eighteen will always be seen as pornography, despite the fact that hundreds, if not thousands, of children are being raised in nudist environments and are seen naked every day.

IIRC, there was a problem in the San Francisco Bay area some twenty or thirty years ago, where photographs of nude children in normal nudist contexts were circulated by a porn site. They were taken without permission from the children's parents, usually clandestinely. When the authorities took notice, it resulted in a number of changes in nudist communities: vetting of newcomers to screen out anybody with a history sexual crimes, bans on photography at naturist resorts, and so on. As a result, children have pretty much disappeared in the media except for the very, very young, which tends to reinforce the popular image of adult nudes being only interested in sex. If the public can't see ordinary families, with adults and children, in nudist settings, what else are they to think?

I put out a leaflet for my local non-landed club, which had a picture of two adults and a pre-teen child, in silhouette. (If there's a way to insert the picture from my computer instead of the internet, I don't know the method.) We handed them out at a local earth day fair, and the only complaint we got was from somebody who said that he wasn't comfortable with the concept of nude children. But he conceded that it was the parents' right to raise the kid in any way they saw fit.

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