RE: TT2 here and I'd just like to say

So how would you classify the whole "I'm setting something else up, there will be an alternative soon" talk? I guess it's just bullshit. Wait, I get it. I saw this in an old movie. It's super top secret WW2 spy talk. "The eagle has landed. Await news." Those damn nazis! It took me a while to find my decoder ring.

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  • 14 years ago
RE: TT2 here and I'd just like to say

One suggestion I have for improving the moderation of the chat room (assuming that it can not be guaranteed to be 24/7); would be to have a button in the room that could be pressed and a message sent. This message would go to a communal mailbox and a message sent to the mods (these messages could maybe change colour when the problem has been dealt with. So that the next mod in would see which offences need attention. I have no knowledge of programme writing so consequently no idea if it is actually possible.

Absolutely it's *possible* but I would argue that better, is for all mods to be totally anonymous, and with no notification that they are ever present, or not.
Kinda like stepping in a snake pit. Do you chance violating the rules because you *think* the snake might not be there ?
Or do you always fly right, whether they are there or not, because they might be ?
I'm not so sure I like anyone taking any action based on hear-say.
That could easilly be solved by the mods having a separate identity for moderating that was "hidden from view" in the same way that the TT's are when they are working. Whether a person decided to out themselves or not would up to them

As for the help aspect the button could also be present in the other areas of the site, and there would be nothing stopping them offering help under their "old" names.

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  • 14 years ago
RE: TT2 here and I'd just like to say - re: Locations

Additionally regarding locations....there are 2 clubs listed in South Carolina that one has been defunct over a year or three, the other 4 and one that is now in its 26th year isn't listed. I have emailed a number of times during my tenure here. Any recommendations would be appreciated either on this thread or via private messaging.

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  • 14 years ago
RE: TT2 here and I'd just like to say

Wolfboy, I do not look at all profiles of the people in chat, don't think most of the moderators do, simply because it would take too much time with so many people in there. Therefore we dont' know a person's age unless they stated it in the room. I don't go by age in my decision to boot or warn, it is strictly based on the offense. I am not saying I oppose younger moderators, in fact one of the moderators is in his 20s.

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  • 14 years ago
RE: TT2 here and I'd just like to say

one thing that would be nice to see is when you edit a forum post and click submit, it goes to the forum as it would do for a regular post. when you edit a post and submit it, you get a page not found error page, which seems to now have been upgraded to a truenudists based error page as opposed to the typical browser page error page.

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  • 14 years ago
RE: TT2 here and I'd just like to say

Thank you for your report to the members. I tell everyone about this site and tell them that it is the best nudist site on the web. It does have a few things that could use some tweaking and I'm glad to hear that some improvements are about to be made. I'm looking forward to seeing the changes that you said were coming. They should go a long way toward settling people's concerns. There are two things that we now have and I'm not sure that they are really needed. One is the most popular nudist section. Do we really it? The other is the number of pics one can post on their site. Does anyone really need to post more than 100 pics on their site? As you may surmise, I am rather happy with the site. Still I am looking forward to the new features.

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  • 14 years ago
RE: TT2 here and I'd just like to say


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  • 14 years ago
RE: TT2 here and I'd just like to say

Thanks for the update. I am looking forward to the NEW site.
I agree. Thanks for the update.....

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  • 14 years ago
RE: TT2 here and I'd just like to say

In case someone missed it, this deserves a bump.

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  • 14 years ago
MORE flagging?? Thumbs down

The complainers and bluenoses and Puritans get WAY too much attention already!! If they don't want to look at photos -DON'T!! Some of us DO! Nudism is all about freedom and tolerance, and the Repressionists need to deal with it, or retreat to AANR. DON'T impose your weird ideas of morality (I'm talking to PI for Christ) on everybody else!

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  • 14 years ago