To shave or to grow, that is the question.

I've been shaving my head for a few years now and consider myself
quite experianced in the how tos and what fors about sporting a dome.
a year ago i decided to start growing again.... but not some ordinary
doo. no, i love the feel of the sun and the rain on my topside. What
ever i choose, has to make a statement and not fuck with my naked peak.
So if i must grow.... it'll be low. I'll grow it where it has a place
to go. In the back, down low is were it'll go. I'll grow a patch and
i'll make it round. My hair grows really well back there. So here i
sit, a year from the day i started to not shave a certain spot. through
this endevour i have come to realized an undeniable truth. I can
shave and grow at the same time.. tits.

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RE: To shave or to grow, that is the question.

Don't worry, I'll stay shaved, as I want to catch up to your tan all over

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RE: To shave or to grow, that is the question.

I've been shaving daily for about twelve years now. I can't stand even the hint of a stubble now. I honestly an unable to imagine how I could ever let my head hair grow natural again! Take care and stay bare, buddies!

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RE: To shave or to grow, that is the question.

i shave my head every other day. Sometimes on the 3rd day.

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