Choosing Between Ethical Or Fair Trade Clothing

Some clothing styles go on to become legendary or what are known as
classics that never lose their appeal even as the generations come and
go. Over recent years, there has been a change in the clothing industry.
So what exactly is ethical clothing and how does it differ from fair
clothing? Let's examine both types.
Ethical clothing addresses a
broad range of concerns that have been around about as long as the
clothing industry itself. Some of the major concerns with clothing that
is not ethical is that the clothing is produced by workers in factories
or sweat shops where wages are an amount so low that workers cannot make
a reasonable living to support themselves. The unfortunate reality is
that there are many designs on the racks in your local stores that have
been made by these workers. Ethical clothing demands that workers be
paid what their labor is worth. Ethical clothing also mandates that the
workers be give benefits such as maternity leave and insurance options.

Outdoor Clothing | Walking Clothing

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RE: Choosing Between Ethical Or Fair Trade Clothing

Did you join this site so you could make speeches about clothing to people who generally wear clothing only when necessary? Please fill out your profile so we can know something about you. Becoming certified will also increase your credibility.

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RE Spam

Spam, pushing some website

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RE: RE Spam

Nudist clothing is 100% ethical.

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RE: Clothing 'EXPERT'

Frankly, for the little wear I put on clothing, the cheap stuff from over-seas wears fine.
Additionally, how else will those 12 year old Indonesian girls support themselves,
if we don't buy their 10 cents a day products ?
Plus, after taxes, it's all I can afford !

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@Foxster12 -

I see from you meeger profile that you are in th UK. From your post I was wondering if you might be one of the rioters that we read about here in the Colonies that is just getting yourmoney back from the evil rich people.

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RE: Clothing 'EXPERT'

Sorry, didn't mean to keep this thread going. Shouldn't have started in the first place since it's obviously placed to get add viewers.
OF COURSE it was !
Instead of getting all your panties in a knot over trying to shout down the spammer, bump it from the welcome page, bitch and complain about spam, and such, ALL of which work to prove spam works, I fail to see any valid reason we can't hijack the thread, and make it into something useful, valuable, entertaining, educational, or just plain interesting, while at the same time NOT clicking the links.
That way, the spammer loses TWICE !
Now, if Admin would come along and moderate the original post to remove the links, the spammer loses THREE times !!
How much better than killing the thread, bumping it off the welcome page, and other such childish and useless drivel ?
Sure, the original poster may have had criminal intent, but that doesn't mean that the outcome is predestined to be criminal !
Outwit, outplay, outlast. That's my moto.

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RE: Joke of the day.

3 chimps escaped from the zoo. One was caught watching tv, the second one was caught playing football and the third was caught reading this.

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