Carolina Foothills Resort!

My wife has agreed to visit Carolina Foothills Resort next Monday August 15th as I have business in the area. I have had negative and positive remarks about CF! This is her first visit to a resort and I hope it is a positive visit! Anybody care to offer any remarks about the resort? We are committed either way now! I have read and heard some negative about it. I hope there is some positive remarks someonewill add....puleeeze! Any takers?
Those that have offered positive and negative remarks so far.....thanks for your input!

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RE: Carolina Foothills Resort!

Two of my club members won't go back there. There was one lady spread eagle in the pool intentionally at their open house in last year and inappropriate activity going on. The president at one of the dances, couldn't keep his hands off of other men's wives additionally.

You're only a couple of hours from the very best first time experience in the area: Serendipity. Plus Serendipity has full food service and better prices.

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