Prostate Massage

I realize a lot of the members have undergone PC operations and have had their prostate removed, but for those who haven't or even those who have an RP, maybe prior to surgery, have you had a prostate massage?
Reason I ask, I underwent a biopsy in June, 16 cores, fortunately it was negative. I do suffer from issues of BPH, and have been reading a lot and one of the issues that keeps coming up is prostate massage for prostate health.
Does anyone here have any information on prostate massage and prostate health and perhaps which tools they have used for a prostate massage? Thanks

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RE: Prostate Massage

HI0 WHen I had prostate infections a couple of times I had a draining or massage as it is called. Before drugs came along that was ll you coul do other than operations. My dad went in routinly for draining. I immediately felt better after the procedure plus it just feels good to have your prostate manipulated even if you are not ill...BUBBA

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RE:Prostate Massage

I am glad to hear this discussion. I have a friend that gets frequent prostrate infections. So, I told him how my doctor would massage my prostate to get rid of the infection. This was around the 1960's. So, through the years, I have tried to do it with my thumb. It usually worked.

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RE:Prostate Massage

Six weeks ago I had High Intensity Focal Ultrasound HIFU on my localised prostate cancer, as the name suggests, it's one of several focal therapies that oblate (destroy) just the lesion, leaving the rest of the gland in tact. My Gleason score was 3+4=7 my PSA had risen to 12. I have been on active surveillance for three years. The procedure was done under GA. I have not the slightest side effect, no incontinence and erections are wonderful, I don't produce any ejaculate but that's a small price to pay. I have a blood test at three and six months to determine success or not.

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RE:Prostate Massage

Sounds like the best outcome you could hope for in a bad situation.

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