RE: Daily Click For the Animals!! Kibble Trivia! Please!

#374 Sunny warm Saturday morning... got doggie incorrect, but ace'd the cat question!

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RE: Daily Click For the Animals!! Kibble Trivia! Please!

50/50 today...missed the pooch got the kitty one right!!!

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RE: Daily Click For the Animals!! Kibble Trivia! Please!

Got them both right today (and without guessing)

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RE: Daily Click For the Animals!! Kibble Trivia! Please!

#378 Well, I guess with all the beautiful sunshine & warm weather up here in the Bay Area I was too distracted to answer either question correctly! happppppppy sunday everyone!!

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RE: Daily Click For the Animals!! Kibble Trivia! Please!

50/50..Dog Yes....Kitty No....Mondays!!

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RE: Daily Click For the Animals!! Kibble Trivia! Please!

Half and half again - Dog yes Cat no

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RE: Daily Click For the Animals!! Kibble Trivia! Please!

100% correct today...both were guesses..yes educated guesses

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RE: Daily Click For the Animals!! Kibble Trivia! Please!

Today I got the dog but missed the cat (both were guesses)

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RE: Daily Click For the Animals!! Kibble Trivia! Please!

#385 Gee...battin ZERO here this week! Guess too much WARM sunny weather is getting to my brain. LOL

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RE: Daily Click For the Animals!! Kibble Trivia! Please!

It Happened...I missed them both today...

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