RE: Irene

There's electricity at work (which is why I can write to you), but none at home -- yet. I fear we may have to throw some perishables out. It's been close to 10 hours. The big freezer is still cool, but not freezing per se.
Unless your freezer is an extremely warm place your frozen food should last 48 hours or a little more. Do not keep opening the freezer to look. Your frig is different 12 hours with the door being opened and closed and your pushing it. If there is a store with ice buy it and put in your frig and freezer. Your freezer will act like a giant cooler and keep your food longer that way. If you have a large freezer and keep a lot of food in it next time buy a non self defrosting freezer. Your frozen food will last up to a year and in the case of a power outage the food will last much longer.

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