Condo style privacy

I live in a townhouse - organised as condominium corporation. As such there is very little outdoor space and even less privacy. Our little yard backs onto a park, and while we have some seasonal screening with vegetation along the fenceline, there is still the common property / communal right of way along the back of the yards. Our terms of ownership disallow the addition of fences beyond the existing dividers, but we have found a satisfactory solution that allows at least some discreet sunbathing. Falling under the category of outdoor furniture we have constructed some moveable privacy screens that can be set out when needed, and stored when not. With some careful calculations I worked out three panels, almost 42 inches high and four feet long, cut from one 4x8 sheet of cedar privacy latice. Hingeing them together provides both stability for setting them out, and a means to fold them up for storage.
So far there have been no complaints. I figure I have a reasonable expecation of privacy, as to be seen one would have to walk right up and look over the screens, or from the neigboring units - lean out of the window to peer down. Anyone going to either length is welcome to look, and clearly not an accidental viewer
If you live in a higher density situation - how do you cope with backyard privacy?

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RE: Condo style privacy

only way i'd live in a condo is if it was in a nudist resort, couple years back we stayed at a timeshare which was basically a condo and in the evening i was able to sit on the screen porch which faced the golf course and enjoyed some nude time but had no interest in it for a home or next vacation.

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