Dare;- At a border or boundary
I lost count where we got to but the dares seam to have dryed up since the new website started.
So here is a new one: take a photo of yourself naked at a border or boundery marker.
Now We can't put our photos into the discussion thread but we can either make it our default profile photo for the week or we can upload it to the group album. Let's see if we can get an album full or outragiuosly daring photos. Mine is at the entry to my lokal city, Ripon.
CORRECTION we can post pics in the discussion again. See #7 below.
Sadly, I'm not in it, but here is a border.
Can anyone see it..."Bienvenido a Mexico"?
I can see it, but maybe that is because I have permissions to see it. Can anyone else see it? I just want to make sure that images can still be posted into group discussions.
I'm going to try to put a photo here
IT WORKED . The old method works again!
Select a photo from your profile. click on it to get a bigger one. Right click on the pic to get a menue. Select copy.
Then come here. reply to a topic, type your text and hit return (to put the flashing curser under the text). Right click. Select paste.
So how? Simple method: select the pic in your profile, click it to get a bigger pic. Then right click on the pic and select copy from the pop-up menue. Then come here, type any text you want and hit return (to get the flashing cursur below the terxt). Then right click below the text and select pste from the pop-up menue. The pic should appear.
You can add more text after the pic, Just hit return and type.