chat room

i understand the reasons why some folks are kicked out of the chat room. my guestion is .....if one is not given a reason why they are kicked out, should it be a banned for an unknown lenght of time also, without given any reasons or notices for what lenght of time? or to whom they need to contact to maybe correct the situlation?

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RE: chat room

A kick from the chat room lasts from 48 - 72 hours (not sure which right now as site admin has adjusted the length several times). If one is unaware of why they were kicked they can send a message to the moderator who kicked them. Moderators can NOT undo a kick, but will gladly explain when asked politely.

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RE: chat room

A kick from the chat room lasts from 48 - 72 hours (not sure which right now as site admin has adjusted the length several times). If one is unaware of why they were kicked they can send a message to the moderator who kicked them. Moderators can NOT undo a kick, but will gladly explain when asked politely.JenI got kicked out also and i for the life of me dont know why, i wasnt being rude i was just chatting with guests who pvt chatted me. One guests asked me to stand up and show my whole body, i said yes but im kinda semi hard at the moment. he said thats fine i wanna see that your nude, i pointed cam down to show that i was nude and then i got kicked out, was i not supposed to do that???? Please let me know so i know not to do it next time! thanks john

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RE: chat room

A kick from the chat room lasts from 48 - 72 hours (not sure which right now as site admin has adjusted the length several times). If one is unaware of why they were kicked they can send a message to the moderator who kicked them. Moderators can NOT undo a kick, but will gladly explain when asked politely.JenI got kicked out also and i for the life of me dont know why, i wasnt being rude i was just chatting with guests who pvt chatted me. One guests asked me to stand up and show my whole body, i said yes but im kinda semi hard at the moment. he said thats fine i wanna see that your nude, i pointed cam down to show that i was nude and then i got kicked out, was i not supposed to do that???? Please let me know so i know not to do it next time! thanks john Your profile says you're straight, yet when another guy asks you to stand to show you're nude, you comply? Uh huh......

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RE: chat room

A kick from the chat room lasts from 48 - 72 hours (not sure which right now as site admin has adjusted the length several times). If one is unaware of why they were kicked they can send a message to the moderator who kicked them. Moderators can NOT undo a kick, but will gladly explain when asked politely.JenI got kicked out also and i for the life of me dont know why, i wasnt being rude i was just chatting with guests who pvt chatted me. One guests asked me to stand up and show my whole body, i said yes but im kinda semi hard at the moment. he said thats fine i wanna see that your nude, i pointed cam down to show that i was nude and then i got kicked out, was i not supposed to do that???? Please let me know so i know not to do it next time! thanks john Your profile says you're straight, yet when another guy asks you to stand to show you're nude, you comply? Uh huh......

I am str8, i did think he wanted to see my cock, I thought he just wanted to make sure i was nude!

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RE: chat room

I'm sorry...Snugglebunny, but did you just say you kicked this guy out of chat because his profile says he's straight and he was showing his body to another man????She said "A kick from the chat room lasts from 48 - 72 hours"
How did you twist that into some kind of anti-gay thing ?
Completely and totally beyond *my* comprehension.
( but I'm straight. Maybe it's a gay thing and straights can't understand ? )

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RE: chat room

I'm sorry...Snugglebunny, but did you just say you kicked this guy out of chat because his profile says he's straight and he was showing his body to another man????She said "A kick from the chat room lasts from 48 - 72 hours"
How did you twist that into some kind of anti-gay thing ?
Completely and totally beyond *my* comprehension.
( but I'm straight. Maybe it's a gay thing and straights can't understand ? )
I agree Curt, I can't see how the guy twisted it around, perhaps his mind works differently to eveyone else on here. It would appear that he could maybe have some sort of attitude problem, I don't know, but he certainly has a strange concept of people's communication.

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RE: chat room

i understand the reasons why some folks are kicked out of the chat room. my guestion is .....if one is not given a reason why they are kicked out, should it be a banned for an unknown lenght of time also, without given any reasons or notices for what lenght of time? or to whom they need to contact to maybe correct the situlation?ThanksIt's too bad chatters aren't told why. Otherwise, they may not learn. When I was a sysop at .msn we would tell a chatter what was not allowed in the forum. If they continued they were booted. Also, whenever a bad post was pulled in the forum an email explaining the action was sent. All other sysops were Cc'd.
BTW, I really like the way this forum is managed. I don't agree with all managerial actions, but oh well.

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RE: chat room

[It's too bad chatters aren't told why. Otherwise, they may not learn.Since they've read and agreed to the rules when entering, ( evidence by clicking "I agree" or whatever ) why should further explanation be necessary ?

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RE: chat room

[It's too bad chatters aren't told why. Otherwise, they may not learn.Since they've read and agreed to the rules when entering, ( evidence by clicking "I agree" or whatever ) why should further explanation be necessary ?

Unfortunately, with the new site and chat room, the rules are no longer posted on an "enter if you agree" screen. They are only accessible once you've entered the room and most people don't know to look for the tab to click on to bring one to the "rules" page. I'm hoping TT1 will change that. In the meantime, the mods are doing their best to make sure newer members are aware of rule violations and where to find the posted rules and give them ample warnings before taking any actions. When the room is busy, however, it's not always possible to take the time to do this. Unlike a forum, the chat is real time.

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RE: chat room

It would be great to be able to get into the chat room! Then maybe I would better understand what's going on. Why is it some of us are not able to get in, yet others are? How is this process working? It has been many days since I was ableto get into chat. Any idea how much longer we need to wait?All that said, hope eveypone who can get in is having a good time and discussing preparations for Christmas (other religious and non-religious festivals are available)
The chat room is under going maintenance. Please see the thread entitled Chat Room Maintenance.


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