Problems with posting

I've noticed this a few times now and I'm not sure if anything can be done, but figured I should bring it to the sites attention. It would appear that when I'm adding a reply to a thread on the forum, if it's the first post on a new page, it doesn't appear. For example, I posted a response to the Rock's (I think that's their name) on another thread on this forum, it was at the bottom of page one. When I posted my response, it showed there was a page 2 to the thread, but my post wasn't there. So, I posted it again and it showed up. It seems like the first post on the new page goes into limbo or something. Not sure if anything can be done to fix it, but thought I'd let you know.

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The thread in question

The thread I was posting on was the "keeping it clean" thread, in response to Rocknaked's post titled Hypocrosy. Hehe...coudln't remember it before, so had to go and look. lol

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RE: The thread in question

I've had that happen as well.

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RE: The thread in question

I think it's a set system glich, Steve. Would be nice if they get it fixed, but until then guess just need to be concious of it.

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RE: The thread in question

Yeah I think you're right. I usually double check just to be safe and if it didn't show up I double post it. Can be a pain though if you have typed out some long drawn out reply only to find that it has vanished into the internet black hole.

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RE: The thread in question

Yeah I think you're right. I usually double check just to be safe and if it didn't show up I double post it. Can be a pain though if you have typed out some long drawn out reply only to find that it has vanished into the internet black hole.

Yeah, I know what you mean as I tend to be drawn out myself when I post. However, I have discovered if you use the back button on your browser, it does retain what you typed originally. So, if you just copy and paste what you typed in a new post it saves heaps of time.

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RE: The thread in question

Its fixed now. ;-)

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RE: The thread in question

Wow, its only taken 16 years since this thread was started to fix it!

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