There are more of us here than you might realize. We've been participating for 18 years, but due to our position and status within the community we tend to be quiet about it. During our frequent jaunts to Indian Hills we have often met others from this area, and most are in the same participants but cannot afford to be too vocal about it. I have tried for several years to organize a little non-landed/travel club here in the Lafayette area. Even had a 'cool' name for the group, C.O.R.E., Clothing-Optional Recreation Enthusiasts. Never was able to get it off the ground. Perhaps...
Just found this group. I'm from the Scott area. Finding like minded folks is a pretty tough job. I'm an at home nudist and do get out to Indian Hills when time allows. Also like to get some sun when out on the boat, if possible. Anyone looking for nudist friendship can contact me. No strings attached. Just a nudist looking for people who have the same interest.