
Are we all members or bystanders? We have a hard time finding nudists
who are not swingers, pervs, or gawkers. Wish there was more people in
our age bracket who just like to be comfortable and are not all about
sex or lust. Any ideas??? BTW it is the midwest cold, wet rainy or snowing this time of year.

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RE: Well???

Are we all members or bystanders? We have a hard time finding nudists who are not swingers, pervs, or gawkers. Wish there was more people in our age bracket who just like to be comfortable and are not all about sex or lust. Any ideas??? BTW it is the midwest cold, wet rainy or snowing this time of year.All three? the Midwest I mean.
I completely agree, if only we could all get together and chill. Maybe do a nude bike ride or something. It would be sooo cool.

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RE: Well???

can't host but wish someone would step up and host an under 35 nude get together soon

need nude company and friends to hang out with even just for a drink


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RE: Well???

that is funny...

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RE: Well???

This post should not be allowed to die. There has to be more of us out there. :/

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RE: Well???

I am in California but I feel as though no one is near me, or those who are, are not interested in meeting someone who is a younger.

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RE: Well???

Are we all members or bystanders? We have a hard time finding nudists who are not swingers, pervs, or gawkers. Wish there was more people in our age bracket who just like to be comfortable and are not all about sex or lust. Any ideas??? BTW it is the midwest cold, wet rainy or snowing this time of year.I totally agree with you! Ive found great nudist friends at resorts around dallas...but i thought this site would be easier to connect with people (my age) closer to me. Instead i get denied by most couples and single girls saying that they are tired of all these single men (the majority of them do fit the perv profile...mustache with glasses....haha)!!
But with all that said, i will not be a bystander and let other people ruin this beautiful thing we have!So any naturist in dallas, lets get together. Its 2 damn hot to be wearing clothes anyway!!!

Same problems here. Too bad we're up in Kentucky, it's impossible to find other nudists around here.

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RE: Well???

Are we all members or bystanders? We have a hard time finding nudists who are not swingers, pervs, or gawkers. Wish there was more people in our age bracket who just like to be comfortable and are not all about sex or lust. Any ideas??? BTW it is the midwest cold, wet rainy or snowing this time of year.I totally agree with you! Ive found great nudist friends at resorts around dallas...but i thought this site would be easier to connect with people (my age) closer to me. Instead i get denied by most couples and single girls saying that they are tired of all these single men (the majority of them do fit the perv profile...mustache with glasses....haha)!!
But with all that said, i will not be a bystander and let other people ruin this beautiful thing we have!So any naturist in dallas, lets get together. Its 2 damn hot to be wearing clothes anyway!!!

Too bad the summer is ending. I had hoped that I would be able to spend more times at resorts this summer, but instead I worked my butt off. I went a few times but not many people my age so it kind of held me back from going. It's a shame that there are less of us.

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RE: Well???

Yeah it's so strange. Even stranger here! For some reason Sweden has some rumour about being fantastic and liberal. We might be, but not when it comes to nudity. So boring :( I want nudist friends

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