Gulf Island Home

Mickey, I'm doing this as a test post to see if the photo works. If not, we can just dump it.
Sorry to have to use you as my guinea pig.

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RE: Gulf Island Home

Ah works like a charm.
OK, this little cabin is what we built first here. It was a 30 day wonder to give us a roof over our heads.

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RE: Gulf Island Home

Ah works like a charm.OK, this little cabin is what we built first here. It was a 30 day wonder to give us a roof over our heads.Ya got it!!! Did the instructions help, were they clear?

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RE: Gulf Island Home

Mickey, the instructions were fine...but you gotta remember you're dealing with a computer DUD here. The best instructions in the world don't work with me half the time, so you must have done a whiz-bang job!

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RE: Gulf Island Home

Mickey, I'm doing this as a test post to see if the photo works. If not, we can just dump it.Sorry to have to use you as my guinea pig.Great looking place, now that ya got the pic thing worked out, would love to hear your story about it

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RE: Gulf Island Home

More of a front view of the cabin...that's a clematis covering the arbor in front. Yes, I know the end wall isn't sided here, but it is now I promise!
This was supposed to be our "Temporary home" for "maybe two or three years honey"...right, that was in 1997. Still there...but the new house is nearly finished and we are REALLY looking forward to getting in to it.

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RE: Gulf Island Home

Mickey, I'm doing this as a test post to see if the photo works. If not, we can just dump it.Sorry to have to use you as my guinea pig.Great looking place, now that ya got the pic thing worked out, would love to hear your story about it
We seem to be good at crossing posts don't we! Undoubtedly this is all my fault.
I'll try to keep it reasonably short, but over the years it has taken to build, there are some fun stories. The main problem is one of logistics. Any materials either have to be made right here (lumber on the mill for example) or brought over from Vancouver Island. This means dealing with both tides and weather, neither of which seem to want to co-operate at the same time.
When your budget is as small as ours was, you need to make every trip back and forth do double duty.

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RE: Gulf Island Home

Mickey, I'm doing this as a test post to see if the photo works. If not, we can just dump it.Sorry to have to use you as my guinea pig.Great looking place, now that ya got the pic thing worked out, would love to hear your story about it
We seem to be good at crossing posts don't we! Undoubtedly this is all my fault.
I'll try to keep it reasonably short, but over the years it has taken to build, there are some fun stories. The main problem is one of logistics. Any materials either have to be made right here (lumber on the mill for example) or brought over from Vancouver Island. This means dealing with both tides and weather, neither of which seem to want to co-operate at the same time.
When your budget is as small as ours was, you need to make every trip back and forth do double duty.
Cant wait to see what you had to go threw to make it happen, make them as long or short as needed, we got lots of space.
Im sure the others will enjoy it as much as me.

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