Nov 17, Naked Pool (billirds) Night @ The Eagle (GAY) Bar.

This is a monthly event, attended mostly by members of OMEN (Oregon Men Enjoying Naturism), a local gay nudist group. I have attended a few times and those who attend this, a public event, are respectful and well behaved. I attended one OMEN private event (the Naked Disco Party @ Boxes) where it seemed that members would not keep their hands to themselves. So, despite the group saying they are NOT sexually oriented, it seems that is only when they are not behind closed doors.
However, as i said at this particular venue they behave themselves,and there are several people who would like to know of a place to just go hang out nude within the city limits, so for those who are interested here is the info.
Thursday, Nov. 17
8:30-11:00 PM (if you decide to stay longer you mostly likely won't have to put your clothes back on)
The Eagle (A Gay men's bar) (This is generally considered to be a bar with a "Bear" crowd)
835 N
Lombard (about 1/4 miles East of I-5)

This location is very transit accessible. For buses check the Tri-Met website, or yu can take the Yellow MAX to the Lombard stop and walk 1/3 of a mile East (recommended to walk on right side until you cross the I-5, then cross over to the left side of street).
The Billiards and Atmosphere
This bar has only one pool table and a line waiting to play the winner, but on Thursday Nights you can play for free. While waiting for your turn just socialize, and have a drink. The atmosphere should be considered a rustic neighborhood type of place. The crowd usually attracted to this place are larger hairy men (bears in the gay slang vernacular). I have never seen a woman int he bar, but I doubt they would turn away anyone who purchased a drink.
NOTE: There is no clothes check or place to put your clothes. Personally when I attend I bring a backpack to put my clothes in. It makes a good self contained package that is easy to watch and carry around. I have heard one or two brave souls undress and put their clothes in their car and walk naked to the bar, but that would be a cold walk this time of year.

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