Got a report about problems with the site....

Hi all,
I got a report that at least one person was experiencing problems accessing some fo the group pages and was wondering how wide spread of a problem this is. If you are having problems, or think you have a solution to any problems stated here, please respond to this thread.
If you are having problems try shutting off some of your browser's plug in programs. Plub in programs usually have bugs and may cause problems on some sites. If you find that shutting down a plug in fixes your problem, go to the bug reporting link an dlet them know. The only plug ins I have myself are for security and for spell checking.
Whenever you contact the site tell them you want a Customer support section added. Personally without it, I probably won't become a paid member here. You may wish to express similar sentiments.
The site itself is lacking in a Customer service or support link, which in my opinion is the site's worst flaw. They do however hve a ink to report bugs. If you have any problems I encourage you to use this. List your web browser type, and your operating system and if you can your processor type, speed, and amount of RAM to help them work out the problems. If you dont' know all of that, give them as much information as you are able to. Be as detailed as you can about the problem you are having.
I myself have had no problems. I use the lates version of Firefox as my browser. I chose the browser mostly for its security features.
When i used IE and Norton Security I had constant virus problems, as Norton only updates their virus definitions once a week or less. On the recommendation of friends who worked in the computer field, i switched to Firefox as my browser and to AVG Free Anti-virus and over the last five years only had a single incident, for which i had to bring in a program called File Assassin to fix the problem, and then used a "disk scrubbing/cleaning program" to remove any residual parts of files hanging out on the hard drive. Also, I added Ad-Aware for free spy ware protection. So now i am better protected and I dont' have to pay an annual subscription fee to Norton either. i am hard on Norton becaus in 2005, they stopped supporting their 2003 version and forced all their customers to purchase the program again or go elsewhere. i of course went elsewhere.
For security, I recommend that you do not connect to the Internet without a router. The router works like a hardware firewall to prevent peope from outside from accessing your computer. Password protect your router. Routers with no passwords can be easily hacked into and bypassed. If you do onlhne shopping or on line banking, it is very much more likely you will have your identity stolen if you do not take these precautions. When you create passwords, do not use obvious passwords that can easily be discovered, like your birthday. Your birthday is probably in a profile somewhere on the Internet, and various websites that network with each other help identity thieves find out a great deal about you. i recnetly delted my Facebook account for just this kind of reason, it was too much information about me in one place and networked to too many other places to fill in any gaps and identity thief might want to fill.

Anyway, if you have things to add, or correct, I realize am not perfect or all knowing as i haven't fixed computers other than my own since 1990, please respond to this string and enlighten us.

Matthew (Shytiger6)

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