Security Cameras at nude venues
I posted on this before regarding installation of my own security system. Now the question come up at our traveling club. The hotel in North Battleford Saskachewan that agreed to host our nude swims has the pool area under security surveillance. They informed the members doing the inquiry that they will not be turned off but here will be no problem with privacy - needless to say after an email vote the idea did not happen. Knowing what sort of probable creepos I have seen managing and desk clerking at hotels I vote no. For starters the monitoring displays are in view of nearly everyone.
This is the kind of thing I always wonder about with nudists. So many are so afraid that someone will see them! Guess what? If you go outdoors naked, someone WILL see you. I have seen a lot of pics taken with tiny spy cameras, or cameras with huge telescopic lenses of people at nude beaches and resorts. Stop thinking that people are out to get you and enjoy being naked! And if people see you naked, good! You will be an ambassador for nudism!
I agree, in this electronic age, when every kid has a phone with a camera, it is impossible to be isolated from surveilance. An orbiting satellite can relay photos with enough resolution to see fine detail, and they are hundreds of kilometers in altitude!Go enjoy your nude swims, and the gathering of like minded folks. You have no control over the reactions of hotel clerks or management. You need to trust that nothing untoward will occur.
Initially in the discussion with the club as a guy I could live with the hotels insistence on maintaining their security and not covering or turning off the cameras. I walk around my own farm yard and do not really concern myself with who sees me.
But - I invite a group including women and children to my farm or other venue. Do I then have a responsibility to protect these people at the venue I am hosting from one - a chance of prosecution because I allowed a visible display to the public, two - one of the local perbs either in a position of trust or not saving and posting pics.
After listening to my wife on others, reviewing this subject I would not support our nude swims at this location - need less to say we do another winter without nude swims.
If a property owner believes there is a need for security cameras on his property then whether or not people there are wearing clothes is irrelevant. That any nudists would be bothered by the presence of security cameras is something I have never been able to understand. If people happen to see or photograph me while I'm nude it has absolutely no effect on me. And what those people who see or photograph me might be wearing is also irrelevant. Why do so many people who claim to be nudists believe it is okay to be seen by other nudists, but not by people who are wearing clothes?
The hotel staff will be in evidence during the event, right? And will off and on see the guests, in whatever state of undress. What's the difference, if some of that staff is working at their security posts, and viewing through a wire, rather than working near the pool, and viewing direct? In either case, they're just doing their jobs. And in either case, if they want to snag a photo, they can, and will be violating a rule if they do. The same thing is true at every beach, and at every resort.
I see not many women add to these discussions. Maybe not many who's other life outside nudism requires privacy such as school teachers. Public ignorance is something that will never be cured and a school teacher has to have the acceptance of ignorant parents to teach the children. We don't want to think for a moment that we can flaunt out skin and never be questioned - in public service it will be "used".
Such discriminatory firings like this are probably so rare that they are almost non-existant. Although there are many nudists who express the fear that if they are discovered to be nudists their lives will be ruined, but when I've asked for examples of this on other nudist forums there has been only one person who claimed to know someone who had some sort of bad experience because their nudist lifestyle was discovered. This is not something which we should be worrying about. It is really not a problem. Roper polls commissioned by the Naturist Education Foundation indicate the vast majority (79% in the 2009 poll) of people in the USA find nude recreation acceptable. This fear of being exposed (no pun intended) is akin to being afraid of our own shadows. Isn't it time to come out of the closet?
Many of the health clubs we used for private parties had security cameras. In some places the monitor was visible to people walking by on the street and in some they were only visible to the person running the desk. We would always cover up the monitors that were visible to the public and often just hung a towel or something over the camera.
I should add that if you WILL lose your job because of this, you need to hire a good lawyer. Participating in a non-illegal activity is NOT grounds for firing. Ever.
Frankly I have never heard of anyone losing their job directly because of their private life either. They just lose their job because one or more persons in connection had the power to make completing the assigned tasks somewhat challenging. Since being a nudist at a social level I have heard this story a number of times, especially involving women and and people in public positions. As club member and at times a host, anonymity is utmost importance :-)