Such discriminatory firings like this are probably so rare that they are almost non-existant. Although there are many nudists who express the fear that if they are discovered to be nudists their lives will be ruined, but when I've asked for examples of this on other nudist forums there has been only one person who claimed to know someone who had some sort of bad experience because their nudist lifestyle was discovered. This is not something which we should be worrying about. It is really not a problem. Roper polls commissioned by the Naturist Education Foundation indicate the vast majority (79% in the 2009 poll) of people in the USA find nude recreation acceptable. This fear of being exposed (no pun intended) is akin to being afraid of our own shadows. Isn't it time to come out of the closet?
Very true, Bill, people do tend to worry far too much about their nudist life being discovered. They need to relax a little more and not be affraid of letting others know just how natural, nudity is.
I would have suggested to cover up the camera in the pool area.
Also, regarding the firing issue, I know a couple who worked at the same place and they were both fired because they found out about their nudist activity and since they worked with kids they found it unacceptable.
One of the main reasons public venues have security cameras is for their own protection. People constantly make false injury claims. The use of security cameras can usually disprove these claims. I don't know this to be a fact, but I would suspect that these cameras are a requirement of the insurance carrier. By turning off these cameras theowner might be voiding his insurance coverage. The monitors could be covered or turned off but the video recorders will not be. A swimming pool inherently carries its own set of liabilities so there is added incentive to record all of the activities. Unfortunately, this is the world we live in today.
I say enjoy youre time there and dont worry about security cams.. anyone watching on video is probably jelouse they cant join you.. there are a lot more nudist's out there than we think.. :)
Oh no.. another two year old post..