Living in Orange County, Cal-a-for-nee means its a bit crowded. Many people who prostitute their property for money often build a small "mother in law" house in back of their main rental or own house, or even build a new garage with an apartment above. We have about 8 feet out the back door till we hit the garage that's attached to the small house in back, so no back yard at all. Out front its all houses up and down the street. However, we rent an old house, so there's a covered front porch where I can step out at 5am to fetch the paper with my robe open in case someone walks by and surprises me. We also have an old upholstered chair out front I can sit in for a while essentially nude till it gets too light. Once I sat there and drfited off. When I woke up it was fairly light and I scampered inside...LOL. Fortunately, there are hedges in front of much of the porch. We do belong to a club and besides our Wednesday trips we get to camp for about four weeks during the summer.
Hi everyone, i do go nude in the garden when the weather is summer , not very often here, i live next to a retired gentleman who doesnt seem to mind me being nude to be honest ,well he hasnt complained yet lol
If I was your neighbor, I wouldn't complain, but I might ask to join you.
I had intersting surprise yesterday. I was returning from my three mile nude hike and when I was almost home I I saw that the rancher's wife was working on fence near where I stepped out of the woods. She was facing away so I had time to put shorts on before she saw. I don't know how she would have felt, so it is good I had time to put clothes on first.
I'm so fortunate to have a great, private back yard here in town. After the rain stopped today, noonish, I took both my dogs out to "do their business" and thoroughly enjoyed my nude walk around the yard, checking my vegetable plants and a couple of new bushes I'd planted recently. The 70 degree weather, and the wet grass squishing under my feet felt absolutely wonderful! Life is good!
i am nude in my house about 90%of the time but out in my back of front yard its got tobe after dark or early morning for me to be out in the yard ,but i do it every chance i get .I do think my one neighbor has seen me they have put up a priv. screen onthe side facing my yard but neather one every said anything to me .
My wife and I both are outside every day naked. We live in the country, but have a well traveled road in front of our house. We are just so comfortable being naked that we don't realy give it much tought we some one comes by. I have walked many times down the drive way to the other side of the road to get my mail, and have even meet the mail man at the box with just a hat on. My wife was out tanning this summer, when the UPS truck stoped to leave a package, as she went after it, she turned the corner the driver was walking up the drive with the package, she was naked as a jay bird, but he didn't mind at all. We enjoy our freedom, and love to be natural.
...and no one complains? I can only imagine how nice that must be.
Ha lucky me , I have a 140 ft rear garden and can go naked in it 95% of the time, as bothneighborseither side, are single story buildings and i have a double story house. The fences are 6 ft on both sides; but I did contact them both and informed them I preferred to be nude in my back garden; they were both very accepting and happy i had prevented a potentialembarrassingsituation.
I have a hot tub which I and my friends use, we have a very long open sun bathing area so it gets well used in summer , if I cant be bothered to go to the local nudist beach.
Unfortunately I, like others, live in the middle of town. I'm surrounded by about 10 neighbors that could see me if I were to go outside nude. My adventures are strictly limited to inside my residence while I'm at home.I have an aunt who owns a lot of land and sometimes I go wander around her land, but very rarely do I have the opportunity to drive out there.