Out of the closet....

Memorial day weekend for me. First time to a resort.
A wonderful experience. The boy is out of the closet now ! I WILL be going back, and elsewhere.
Must I now resign from the group ?

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RE: Out of the closet....

Can you please tell us more about the experience?Can you please tell us more about the experience?

You know,I wrote about this in some detail, somewhere, but can't seem to find it now.
Essentially, I commited to trying a resort. Phoned them, and made a reservation. Mostly just let them know I was coming, find out rates, parking and such.
Went up on the big day, that Saturday. Got there fairly early-ish, about 11 AM. Parking was easy, very few folks there yet. Still not exactly warm. Wanted to be there in time for the "juniors hamburg sale" starting at 11:30. Most of the regulars, resident campers, showed up for that, and mostly clothed. I remained clothed until after eating lunch, very VERY unsure as to why there were no nude people around ? One woman did show up for food nude, and I felt a bit better.Went up on the big day, that Saturday. Got there fairly early-ish, about 11 AM. Parking was easy, very few folks there yet. Still not exactly warm. Wanted to be there in time for the "juniors hamburg sale" starting at 11:30. Most of the regulars, resident campers, showed up for that, and mostly clothed. I remained clothed until after eating lunch, very VERY unsure as to why there were no nude people around ? One woman did show up for food nude, and I felt a bit better.
After lunch, and about 12:30 I guess, it did start to warm up rapidly. I went back to my car, and striped as I was now noticing a half-dozen or so nude folks, and determined to try this myself. By about 2 the place was packed, and nearly all but a few women ( always the women ) were completely nude except for foot wear. I'm a social sort, so I did meet and converse with many. There was a "pot luck" dinner that evening, and I stayed for that, too. Ended up leaving around 10:30 PM and very sorry the day was over.
Did I feel awkward ? Yeah, at first. That took some time to get over. About ten minutes, maybe less. What stayed with me all day was not that *I* was nude among all these people, but that THEY were almost all nude ! That was the odd part. I'd never before been with a large group ( maybe 200 or 250 ) of nude men, women, and children. I've been back a dozen times or so, and a dozen or so visits to another resort as well, and being nude has become nothing at all, but it still strikes me that everyone else is nude. It's just such an odd sight for me.

Did anyone at the resort recognize you, or did you feel anonymous?

At first, I felt odd-man-out, but I'm a social sort, and met quite a few REALLY nice folks. Much friendlier and less judgemental than about any other kind of crowd I've experienced in my long life. Now they recognize me, but back then, not at all. There was no one there I knew, but I'd resolved myself to the FACT that if there had been, they were there for the same reasons I was, so no problem.

Strangers are merely friends we haven't met yet. Yes, they were all "strangers" that first day, but not anymore.
I've since told a few friends about it. Very few, but have not gotten any negative reaction yet. One lady friend told me not only "no" for herself, but HELL no ! Well, over the summer, she keeps asking me questions that lead me to believe she may yet join me one day. My cousin Ruth almost immediately expressed interest in joining me, but schedule conflicts prevented it this year.
I've now met several "first timers" at the resorts, and the feelings, trepidations, and such all seem to be the same, and pass just as quickly.
Even dated a woman I met at White Thorn Lodge for a few weeks over the summer. That's over, but I'll be back at White Thorn next year. That's certain. Just look over the activities calendar on their web site, and you'll know why. There's MUCH to do when you're naked !

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