Karaoke in the nude
love to sing karaoke in the nude it is exciting and fun to sing in the nude with a nude audience!
- 13 years ago
Do you sing at any of the Florida resorts?
- 13 years ago
My wife and I were at a nudist resort near Phoenix and the day we got there they told us about theKaraokenight in the rec room. When we showed up that night there were around 50 people there, and we were the only one nude.
- 13 years ago
My wife and I were at a nudist resort near Phoenix and the day we got there they told us about theKaraokenight in the rec room. When we showed up that night there were around 50 people there, and we were the only one nude.
People from Arizona are real wimps as far as cold is concerned. It is hard for us to realize how immune the "snow birds" are from the cold. For us, comfort trumps nudism. Karaoke sounds just as bad if you're nude or clothed.
- 13 years ago
The singing might not have been the greatest, but we did get quite of an applause, not sure if they were glad we were done or enjoyed the fact we were the only one's nude. The next day we were the new popular one's at Shangri La, and we did get many compliments from others about our performance the night before
- 13 years ago
love to sing karaoke in the nude it is exciting and fun to sing in the nude with a nude audience!
And for those not so good singers, it could be far better singing in the nude to a fully clothed audience,ha,ha.
- 13 years ago