Nudist Theme Dreams

I have been a social nudist for a couple years now. Within the past, say, 6 months or so, I have noticed I have been having dreams about me being in a nudist environment, which is all fine and dandy, however the last one has me concerned...
I dreamt that I was part of a group of aliens who were trying to blend in to society by being nudists. Now when I say aliens, I don't mean the 8 arms and 2 heads...I mean skinjobs (for the battlestar fans) or just aliens that look like people, but the manner in which we spoke made it obvious we were not from around here.
Anyone else have any nudist dreams that when you woke up left you saying, HUH?!?
Or is it just me :)
Have a great day all!

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RE: Nudist Theme Dreams

I had one once when I was 11 and it was pretty WTF?!-ish.
I can't remember all the details, but I was in this place with all sorts of rooms with portals leading to various trials I had to pass and in between trials I always had to jump on this trampoline. One of the trials took place in my grade 6 classroom with all my classmates present.
I was naked throughout the entire dream.

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RE: Nudist Theme Dreams

I had one once when I was 11 and it was pretty WTF?!-ish.I can't remember all the details, but I was in this place with all sorts of rooms with portals leading to various trials I had to pass and in between trials I always had to jump on this trampoline. One of the trials took place in my grade 6 classroom with all my classmates present.I was naked throughout the entire dream.Sounds almost dungeons and dragons-ish...were any dungeon masters involved? Just kidding. :)

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RE: Nudist Theme Dreams

I had one once when I was 11 and it was pretty WTF?!-ish.I can't remember all the details, but I was in this place with all sorts of rooms with portals leading to various trials I had to pass and in between trials I always had to jump on this trampoline. One of the trials took place in my grade 6 classroom with all my classmates present.I was naked throughout the entire dream.Sounds almost dungeons and dragons-ish...were any dungeon masters involved? Just kidding. :)
Nah :P
Looking back at the dream now, I realize that I felt neither embarrassed nor uncomfortable. I was completely at ease and I was totally comfortable naked. Even when it came to my grade 6 class, it didn't bother me that I was naked in front of my classmates.
I really liked that dream. :3

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RE: Nudist Theme Dreams

I constantly have dreams to go about naked and fell comfortable with it. however at the these dreams are only far to short, as they are followed by the alarm going off. The nightmare of having to get up and getting dressed for work again.

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