TN Groups

I've noticed that groups in this site lack of activity and interactions. There are lots of groups with a decent amount of members, and when someone posts an entry, you see in some cases the entry gets views, yet again no one reply to them. It makes me wonder why the lack of interaction.

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RE: TN Groups

It's hard to follow a group discussion because it takes several clicks to see if a message has been posted. Some kind of homepage notification of group activity has been frequently requested. I'd much rather see group messages on my home page than friends-of-friends comments. Too bad - a lot of the groups have the potential to be interesting little (or big) communities.

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RE: TN Groups

i don't understand the people that start a group then have no participation in the group whatsoever. why start one if you have no intention in being a participant.

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RE: TN Groups

We can go to follow any group we want from our home page.

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RE: TN Groups

It would be nice to get notifications whenever someone posts the user is part of in a group, but regardless of that, almost no one is active in the groups. Even those who create the groups, I don't blame them, they start a topic, 100 people in the group and no one answers to anything.
What I like about them is how you can meet people with common interest, and talk about the interest in the group, but people are either too lazy to go to the groups and post or whatever else it makes them not be active in them.

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