Step in a good direction

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Step in a good direction

Today has been a step in a great direction for me.
Over the last couple of months, I have been slowly not getting dresseduntila couple of hours after I get up, or when getting home from work, taking my work clothes off, and not putting any more on.
Today Ihaven'tput any clothes on at all, and it got to around 9am and the wife hadnt said anything about it, I then went and did some housework that Inormallyhate doing, but love doing in the nude, and she commented you don'tnormallydo this sort of thing....
I then said to her Ill help you out more around the house with the housework etc if I can do it naked, and she said she didnt have a problem with that as long as shedidn'thave guests around or her daycare children.
So its now 3.30pm and Im still naked, unfortuanatlythat'sonly going to last another 30 min as I have to go to work....
Now to get a job where I either don't have to leave the house, or I can be naked at....

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