Abortion: Is it right or wrong.

When the United States Supreme Court issued their ruling on abortion, I took rather a neutral stance. I was basically opposed to it but it was not really something that affected me personally. I felt that being opposed to abortion did not give me the right to interfere with a woman and her doctor. I felt that I had no real standing in the issue. Upon studying the Court's decision I could see the wisdom of their ruling. Basically the Court said that a woman has a right to do what she wants with her own body, and that sounds like good advice. In the years since, my opposition to abortion rested mainly in the method of paying for it. A woman could get herself pregnant, but she should not expect anyone else, other than the sperm donor, to foot the bill for the abortion. Of late, this has been the rallying cry; abortion on demand and the government to pay for it. I was totally opposed to this.
Today, I feel it is now time for the Supreme Court to revisit their decision in Roe v Wade because things have changed. A woman still has a right to do with her body as she chooses, but there is an issue that the Court did not consider in its previous decision. The issue that must be considered, that was over looked in the original ruling, is the right of the fetus to life. Does the right of a fetus to life take precedence over a woman's right to choose? In my opinion, the answer is yes!
I believe that a human fetus has a Constitutionally protected right to life. I also believe if the Court revisits this question and takes into account the rights of a fetus, they will over turn Roe V Wade. In cases of rape or incest, the fetus in this case is no less human that the fetus produced by a couple in a loving relationship. Therefore, rape and/or incestare not valid exceptions.
In my opinion abortion is wrong in that it takes the life of an innocent individual. Therefore it should be outlawed.

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RE: Abortion: Is it right or wrong.

Tch tch tch! DR, my good man, doncha know that you're speaking naughtily about the most holy sacrament in the Church of What's Happening now?I don't remember mentioning religion. LOL

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RE: Abortion: Is it right or wrong.

Wrong. I was born 9-26 . . . my parents were married (shot gun variety) on 7-26. It was considered. I'll never think it's right. For subjective reasons of course ;-)

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RE: Abortion: Is it right or wrong.

This has ABSOLUTELY no place on this website, and I will be asking TT to delete the thread.Don't bother. The usual SIPA's will spout off for a while.
We will all get bored with them and it will die off on its own.

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RE: Personal decisions

The illogic would be reduced greatly in threads if certain obnoxious individuals would avoid them.Bravo!

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RE: Abortion: Is it right or wrong.

Many people have contributed to this thread, both pro and con. I congratulate those who presented their views in a logical and civil manner. It is refreshing to discuss real issues with people who, while disagreeing are not being disagreeable. I wish a lot of people in politics and the news media would do the same. To those thoughtful, civil individuals, I say thank you. To the few others -not worthcommenting on.

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RE: Abortion: Is it right or wrong.

OK! We men who will never get pregnant solved that problem.
I am bored.

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RE: Abortion: Is it right or wrong.

OK! We men who will never get pregnant solved that problem.I am bored.Keeping cheeks tightly closed and not bending down in the wrong place,helps to prevent one from being bored. he,he, !!

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RE: Abortion: Is it right or wrong.

When abortions aren't required for medical reasons, the only reason they occur is because an unwanted pregnancy occurred.This is usuallydue to misinformation or faulty contraceptives, althoughI'm sure other reasons may exist. Maybe it's time thefocus shifted from abortion to preventing unwanted pregnancies.
How many people today still believe that if it's a woman's first time having sex, she can't get pregnant?
How many people today still think that if sex occurs during menstruation,thewomancan't get pregnant?
How many people today still think that there can'tbe any spermatazoa inside the woman if the man pulls out before ejaculating?
How many young and inexperienced women believe that if she says yes to sex, the man will propose to her the next day?
For that matter, how many people believe they will still make responsible decisions regarding sex if they have a littletoo much to drink?
I could go on...

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RE: Abortion: Is it right or wrong.

its really up 2 the persons involed and should not b in a court room

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RE: Abortion: Is it right or wrong.

US Military insurance pays for abortion only to save the life of the mother (the position of the Catholic church, btw).This, my friend, isNOT the position of the Catholic Church. In the Diocese of Phoenix, a nun, who was the administrator of a Catholic hospital, was excommunicated because she allowed this very thing to happen.

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