RE:Tough question.....

Favourite part of the male body would have to be the ass especially if its hairy

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RE:Tough question.....

Face. Absolutely. Especially if there's lots of facial hair.

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RE:Tough question.....

Same with me- like a nice firm ass. The more hair the better, but will take it either way

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RE:Tough question.....

A beautiful torso, from either the front of the back!

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RE:Favourite part of the male body

No one thought the favorite part would be the penis! Really? If we asked about the favorite part of a women it would be her breasts. The physiques are definitely different in structure medically speaking, but the true differentiating parts medically speaking are those two major differences since we all have lungs, hearts, brains, etc.
Hickguy MD

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RE:Favourite part of the male body

Actually that depends of the guy what attracts me to look at them. It can be the whole physique, some the facial hair, their face, their firm ass but with those dips more interesting, hair chest, bald head, but then it can be their salt and pepper hair, or even their whole body how it fits together, and yes the genitals, I have thru the years talking to find something good in everyone which now I see more about individuals than I did in years in the past.

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RE:Favourite part of the male body

The defining part of a nude male body is definitely the genitals, PENIS & BALLS!
Hickguy M.D.

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RE:Favourite part of the male body

penis and testicles are definitely the defining part of the male body, but a firm, sculpted chest can be exquisite.

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RE:Favourite part of the male body

For me, its the hairy armpits. Not just the look but the musky odour too. They are almost a way to define a specific man

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RE:Favourite part of the male body

The favorite part of the human male body has to be the one that is the most useful which is the penis and testicles. WHat would a man be and how would women's eggs get fertilized without semen from our penises via the testicles!
Hickguy M.D.

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