I CANNOT make it this month. I hope you all have a great time .

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I'm finally back in the US! Can't wait to meet some folks from here at Spa World in March. Waiting for the dates. :)

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NewlyNudist, If you are back in town come join us Saturday. That is the 23rd Feb 2013 to be specific. We meet the last Sat of each month. Look for the green wrist band and just introduce your self. Hope to see you there starting around 0900. Mark

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Another AMAZING day today Feb-23rd-2013 at Spa World in Centreville, VA.
We had a show of 8 friends, old and new from TN and we had a great day doing absolutely nothing all day LoL.
The place overall had a great turn out as it was packed and everyone was ever so friendly.
As always the place was extremely clean, the food at the Korean Cafe was "On Point", hot and made to order.
It really made my day the second I parked and recognized at least one vehicle and I thought "Yes, My Friends Are Here".
Great day Networking and getting to meet people from here at TN and the DC Metro Area.
Thanks to all of you who made it in for the first time to our monthly get together and sorry for those of you who could not make it in today due to work, responsibilities and other affairs. Hope to see all of you again next month, as always, the last Saturday of March, if all goes well :-)
I'd like to add, that I'm looking for one of you fellow TN Friends to take over this group/gathering every month once I leave Washington DC some time between Jun & Jul 2013. I don't want all this work, all these friends and these memories go to waste.
May each and everyone of you have a great evening. Stay nude and keep in touch . . . xoxoxo . . . Hawk

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Hey Hawk I'm not sure I'm tracking when you wrote:
I'd like to add, that I'm looking for one of you fellow TN Friends to take over this group/gathering every month once I leave Washington DC some time between Jun & Jul 2013. I don't want all this work, all these friends and these memories go to waste.
In this cyber world we now live in you will still be here to organize/remind/ and report how much fun we had even if you are not present in body you will be here and with usin ourthoughtright? You will know the last Saturday of each month when your ears are burning, and we are all at Spa World. I think you should still be the Ring Leading Alpha Male, even if you move west. LOL

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Hey Hawk I'm not sure I'm tracking when you wrote:I'd like to add, that I'm looking for one of you fellow TN Friends to take over this group/gathering every month once I leave Washington DC some time between Jun & Jul 2013. I don't want all this work, all these friends and these memories go to waste. In this cyber world we now live in you will still be here to organize/remind/ and report how much fun we had even if you are not present in body you will be here and with usin ourthoughtright? You will know the last Saturday of each month when your ears are burning, and we are all at Spa World. I think you should still be the Ring Leading Alpha Male, even if you move west. LOLThank you so very much for your words Mark, it really means alot to me :-)

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I think Mark is right. You are the MAN Hawk. :-)

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Anybody see this article? I think I need to check out more sources.

Fairfax, VirginiaPublished: Friday, February 22, 2013
Centreville spa openly rejects homosexual, transgendered customersby Gregg MacDonaldStaff writerWhen California resident Riya Suising was in town on business late last year, she decided to go to Spa World in Centreville.As a Chinese-American and a marathon runner, Suising frequently attends spas and is well-versed in the Asian spa culture of communal bathing pools."Korean spas, with communal baths, are the best, as they have warm/hot Jacuzzis and cold baths," she said. " As a marathon runner, going into a cold bath is one of the best recovery methods after a hard workout, and I often alternate between the cold and hot baths to improve circulation. I know that other athletes also like the Korean spas for this reason."Spa World, which opened in 2008, has these types of Korean communal baths, segregated by gender.While relaxing in the female bathing pool late last year, Suising said a Spa World manager approached her and asked her to leave the establishment."They told me that I was not welcome there and to leave because I looked a little different," she said. "Let's say I am a member of the LGBT population."Suising said she was told by the spa management that five spa customers had lodged complaints about her presence. Suising said she is very tall and muscular and has very broad shoulders, which may distinguish her from natural-born females, but that otherwise her gender presentation is very feminine. "None of the complaints, as they were described to me, referenced my genitalia in any way," she said."I can't believe that they would discriminate based on physical appearance. I was not doing anything but keeping to myself."After leaving, Suising filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau."I was mortified," she said. "It was obvious that this business discriminates against any 'abnormal appearing' persons, specifically against LGBT people, and likely against anyone else not appearing up to their standards."The Better Business Bureau opened an investigation, and on Jan. 28, Spa World representative Sang Lee responded to the BBB in writing by stating "It is our policy to not accept any kinds of abnormal sexual oriented customers to our facility such as homosexuals, or transgender(s)."The Spa World written reply goes on to say that the spa stands by this policy for the sake of young children who utilize the facility. "Also, for the safety and the comfort of young children at Spa World, we strongly forbid any abnormal sexual behaviors and orientation in our facility. Despite the controversial issue of homosexuality and transgender, it is our policy to not accept them," Lee wrote. Lee did not return calls seeking further comment.When she received it, Suising said she could not believe the response."In California, this would be illegal," she said. "I am not sure exactly what the state of LGBT equality is in Virginia, but I hope it is more progressive than this."But according to one local political action group, it is not.Rishi Awatramani is communications director for The Virginia New Majority, an Alexandria-based political action group that claims it is a unifying voice for "all people of the Commonwealth of Virginia, particularly African-Americans, immigrants, progressive whites, youth, women and the lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgendered community."There is nothing in the Virginia or the Fairfax County code that protects gender expression or sexual orientation discrimination," he said. "It is kind of unbelievable, but true."Suising said she is not seeking any financial compensation and does not plan to file any legal actions against the spa, but said she would like an apology, and ultimately says she wants people to know that what happened to her is a form of discrimination that needs to be addressed nationwide."This has happened to me a few times before in other parts of the country, and perhaps I am pushing the boundaries of this type of discrimination, but I am not purposely looking for controversy. That is not my goal. I too, think it is correct to prohibit 'abnormal sexual behavior' in a public place, but a transgendered person just being there, behaving appropriately like any other customer should not count as such."

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RE: JOIN US AT SPA WORLD- an update hummm
Spa World Rejects Gay, Trans CustomersPosted byWill Sommeron Mar. 1, 2013 at 2:27 pmUpdate, 5:41 p.m.: Spa World's manager says that itwelcomes LGBT customersand will not kick out trans visitors in the future.This week'sWashington City Papercover story on24 hours inside Spa Worldmight have you yearning for a trip to the Centreville business, but if you're gay or transgender, you're out of luck. That's because Spa Worldwon't admit LGBT customers, theFairfax Timesreports.The policy became obvious after Spa World ejected a transgender woman, according to theTimes. After the woman filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau, Spa World responded that it was simply enforcing its policy.It is our policy to not accept any kinds of abnormal sexual oriented customers to our facility such as homosexuals, or transgender(s)," Spa World'sSang Leewrote to the Better Business Bureau, according to theTimes.Spa World doesn't allow LGBT people out of concern for the "safety and comfort of young children," according to Spa World's response. "Despite the controversial issue of homosexuality and transgender, it is our policy to not accept them, Lee writes, according to theTimes.Spa World hasn't responded to a request for comment from City Desk.UPDATE, 3:38 p.m.: SignOn.orghas a petitionasking Spa World to allow LGBT customers.UPDATE, 3:40 p.m.: A Spa World employee who answered the phone just now wouldn't give a name, but said this: "We have been told to say, 'TheFairfax Timesstory is inaccurate. We do not discriminate against people, we discriminate against behavior.'" It's not entirely clear what that means. ManagerJames Leeis expected to be on duty in a few hours, and City Desk will update if we hear back from him.Spa photoby ShutterstockSadie Dingfelder contributed to this report.

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RE: JOIN US AT SPA WORLD- an update hummm

I'm gonna be honest with you;
I don't care wheather they cater to the gay community or not and I'm by nomeans gonna loose any sleep over it.
And some of you may ask why?
And my response to that is simple:
I don't go there looking for a sex partner, a sexual contact, a "hook-up" or anything of that matter, I simply go there to forget about work, bills, problems, etc, etc, etc . . .
I go there to relax for the day and hang out with a bunch of friends who have the same thing in common, and that is to get away from it all, even if just for a day :-)
And to the rest of you: I hope you had a good day, stay nude and keep in touch . . . xoxoxo . . . Hawk ;-)

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