" Are most people more accepting of smaller, or diff size "I'm pretty new here but from my experience. When a new person comes to the resort grounds, most will look. Usually just a quick glance but in only a brief time the "newbie" will not draw hardly a second glance.I never have seen anyone make a degrading comment about another person. So I am saying that if you are respectful and speak to the person and not their "parts" then you should not have any problem. Just be yourself and have fun.
From what ive seen at resorts, most are middle aged or older and they are all beautiful... there are small parts and big parts but the important thing is they are having a great time mingling with other nudists.. and parts dont matter.. we are welcomed for who we are.
As my 'part' is of the smaller variety, I worried about this issue for years, but I quickly found when I finally shared my nudity, no one was going to point and laugh.
I have now seen plenty, big and small, and it's not something i care about anymore
Only issue with Size.... Photo being denied because of ADMIN thinking someone is Erect instead of Endowed is an ongoing issue though. Circumsized Men under age 40 may appear naturally semi soft/erect to others and not the same flaccid/soft as men over 50, no offense. This is the only bias judgemental, perspective issue or debate reguarding size.
I am new, and wondering how nudists handle the size of other peoples 'parts'.Are most people more accepting of smaller, or diff size organs, or will someone lesser be made fun of.mostly, how accepting are people, or friendly are they?thankyou!
This is such a disheartening thread to read. You ask a question about people being accepting, and there are a slew of responses illustrating just how judgmental people can be - many of which are jumbled into posts about how accepting nudists/naturalists are. How hypocritical. I was reading through the forum posts as a newbie who is considering more social nudism (rather than just out in nature), and started wondering why anyone would "want" to be part of a nudist community as I read time after time how "stupid" someone felt a question was. I'm now more reluctant to ask the burning questions I have in this forum. So much for that welcoming and tolerant environment claimed to be had with nudists, eh?
I can tell you from my own limited experience at various nude beaches/parks with friends - we never judge bodies. All of us have hang-ups, whether breast size, genitals, love handles, freckles - it runs the gamete. We are each beautiful in our own way and the "body" is the least of our concerns while out and about. I've seen all shapes and sizes - from overweight to "perfect" to underweight, from large penis to micro penis - from perky breasts to sagging ones... but when out nude, you see something else, the person as they are. To quote one of my favorite films, "It's what I have to work with."
My stomach dropped as I read the negative and off topic and meanish jokes.I'd love too know how many people join believing some people's superficial statements about being supportive and inclusive and then call them stupid, or tell them off for asking a question that may have been burning in them for many years. Perhaps the thing that's prevented them from ever trying nudism. And then being mostly shot down... It's not good enough. I left for 7 months until a week ago after the similar impolite replies. If a member is an Undies... Just give them a break!!! If you know you're going to hit hard and likely scare off new people or potential subscription income for the site don't reply. If it annoys you... Just leave it.Please stop making us think all nudists are grouchy and bossy and not as accepting as they say.
I fully support your comments Gideon,From reading replies to posts over the years I too am astounded at the inconsiderate,grouchy,bossyand often biased comments made by some of the regulars who think they are the pillars of our nudist society. I have another name for them but I wont inflame theirsensitivebeings by making mythoughtsre it known.
Re Size and back on topic.I find that in my case size is influenced by the weather and Idon't havea habit of looking at what others have as mine has been quite ample and served me well over the years.My pet hate is theguysthat find the need to fluff it up so the look more manly.
Thesecretinsreally set back my newbie partners sojourn into the social nudist scene.
Lighten up guys and give other posters a fair hearing, what might be utter drivel to you is probably a valid concern of our newbie members.Cheers K