Having advanced degrees and how it relates to nudism

I have four advanced degrees and with each accomplishment educationally, I find my need to being naked increases with more knowledge. I would like to meet other men who find themselves not only more comfortable with nudism but wanting to share this simple lifestyle with others.

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  • 13 years ago
RE: Having advanced degrees and how it relates to nudism

I have a Bachelor of Music Education and a Masters in Dramatics. I have many credit hours past my Masters. In Kentucky teachers are required to get their Masters within a certain amount of time after starting your first teaching job. I always took workshops in the summer to help me in my teaching of high school theatre. I was known as the "Workshop Junkie" LOL.

All my students, faculty, administration knew I was gay and married to a man. Very few faculty members knew I was a nudist but now it's pretty much common knowledge. I think some of my students found my TN profile. LOL

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Having advanced degrees and how it relates to nudism

Maybe its one of those things where the more educated you are the more you are aware that nudity is just normal. Maybe that corresponds to curiosity as well. I think it plays into questioning things as well. I find that, unlike many people I encounter, I look into topics, research issues, ask questions, and can approach situations with and open mind, looking at things from different angles before arriving at a conclusion.

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Having advanced degrees and how it relates to nudism

I have two advanced degrees, one at the masters level and the other at the doctoral level. I was raised in a strictly-textile environment, and the only nudity I was exposed to was in the locker room on swim team (which was kind of the opposite extreme, in a good way). Because my degree is of a medical nature, I had to get comfortable with having other people be exposed. Even though that didn't apply to me, it forced me to realize that it is not as big a deal as some make it out to be. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that the Europeans and those in other parts of the world have a much saner view of nudity. Having advanced degrees helped a little, because it taught me that most of what society tells us to believe is total self-serving bullshit. Does that count? Furthermore, God's plan is much better: we were made to be nude in the beginning.

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Having advanced degrees and how it relates to nudism

The average IQ of the general population is 100 - by definition.
The average IQ of high school graduates is 105. Certainly, there are plenty of people who graduate from high school who have IQs well below 105.
The average IQ of college graduates is 115 -- four year degree.
Average for Ph.D, M.D. is 125.

I believe the more you study and the more you know, the more you question social norms and constructs. "Does this really make sense?" "Is this really important?"

When you have to prove or substantiate everything you say, it's natural to question what other people say.

I believe that leads many to question whether clothing is really necessary.

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Having advanced degrees and how it relates to nudism

I think nudism has nothing to do with degrees and IQ. To be nude is a matter of feeling. All people can sense the freedom of nudity. At a nudist beach there are no worker or professors, there are only nude women and men and kids.

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Having advanced degrees and how it relates to nudism

I have a BA and never pursued an advanced degree. When I took courses and talked with people in fields I was interested in, I felt like they were less curious and too dogmatic. They lost fascination and put knowledge into too many silos. In the field of medicine and psychology, for example, I was put off on how it was all focused on illness and dysfunction and not health and wellness. I was so fascinated with the genome project about 30 years ago and felt deeply disappointed with their conclusions that a good part of us consists of "junk DNA." Why couldn't they just say we don't understand it yet, vs the arrogance that if we don't understand it must be worthless? Luckily these fields have come a long way.
Knowledge like clothes gives us a lot to hide behind. Super intelligent people are not always smart in applying knowledge, and uneducated people can have canny insight and wisdom. Like most things, balance is important.
As far as nudism and advanced degrees, I'm curious if it departs from the average. I imagine people with very low IQs don't claim any isms and highly educated ones have jobs which offer more opportunity and choices. I don't have the means to travel to nudist resorts or public places as a single dad in the Midwest. I refuse to identify with nudism that discriminates against my sons and me. But I continue to question the need for clothing.

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Having advanced degrees and how it relates to nudism

I would make no claim to causality regarding education and IQ vs. nudism, only correlation.

Nudity Correlation

Those higher in intellect, or openness to experience, were more likely to swear around other people, buy organic food, create art, eat spicy breakfasts, not follow a sports team closely, do car maintenance on their own, and to lounge around the house without clothes on.

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Having advanced degrees and how it relates to nudism

Those higher in intellect, or openness to experience, were more likely to swear around other people, buy organic food, create art, eat spicy breakfasts, not follow a sports team closely, do car maintenance on their own, and to lounge around the house without clothes on.

Interesting! I'd never consider putting those things together but it describes the kind of people I'm most comfortable with.

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Having advanced degrees and how it relates to nudism

I fit some of those characteristics, but not all.Those higher in intellect, or openness to experience, were more likely to swear around other people, buy organic food, create art, eat spicy breakfasts, not follow a sports team closely, do car maintenance on their own, and to lounge around the house without clothes on.Interesting! I'd never consider putting those things together but it describes the kind of people I'm most comfortable with.I find colorful speech to be more interesting
Organic foods sound great, but not worth the trouble in Springfield MO
Not very artistic
Mostly don't care for spicy foods -- only occasionally
Do NOT follow a sports team -- not even occasionally
Couldn't do car maintenance to save my life
Definitely lounge nude -- always

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Having advanced degrees and how it relates to nudism

Let me see how many boxes I can check
Don't now about the intelligence thing I do have a Master's though
Curse like a sailor
Eat and buy organic when convenient
Love spicy food anytime
Hate sports
Can do basic car maintenance change tires, wiper blades, oil, antifreeze, batteries
Naked most of the time

This post was edited 3 years ago
  • 3 years ago