This election season, my wife and I have made donations to some candidateswho we liked. Actually she donated to the people she liked and I donated to the people that I like. We know that it's true in an election that "money is the mother's milk of politics". That is one of the ways candidates get their message out. They have to buy advertising. Unfortunately, when you make a donation, you get on everyone's mailing list. You'd think that the campaigns would want to keep their donors list private, but they are required by law to make their lists public. Therefore we get between twenty and forty solicitations daily. Many of these people are running for office thousands of miles from where we live. A lot of these people do not seem to care thatthey have a political philosophy much different than the people we supported. What is particularly irksome is how much money these people spend on these useless mailings. If these people are so frivolous in spending this money, how will they bein spending the public's money?

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Good point DR, but this is what happens when politicians try to police themselves and create laws with the intentions on controlling campaign finances but actually do the exact opposite of what they were intended. Much of this is the result of McCain-Feingold. I find it sickening the amount of money that is spent on campaigns. Many spend much more than they would receive in salary for the position which baffles me. This is why the Constitution needs to be amended to force term limits on Congress which will bring more people who want to serve rather than career politicians. Sadly, they are the ones who have to initiate the process which won't happen.

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You can disagree with me, but it doesn't make me wrong! Think of McCain-Feingold as something like the government deciding that basic cable was too expensive a few years back and created a law that controlled how much cable companies can charge for basic cable. All it resulted in was the cable companies splitting up the packages and creating a new package called super basic and putting popular channels in it forcing people to buy up. McCain-Feingold resulted only in more money being spent on campaigns oh and the ever most important "I'm the dude talking and I support this message" DUH!! That statement at the end of every campaign ad, makes us all look like a bunch of fools.

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