bills nudism
I was on the swim team most of my life and so almost a nudist; when we were in middle school, i loved the fact that everyone HAD to get nude and take a shower or get a bad / lower grade; it was very very freeing and relaxing and fun to have everyone take a shower; no hang ups, and the insecurity of childhood/puberty very quickly left as we all saw that we were all the same and it was no big deal at all. As a matter of fact, learning how the become comfortable nude is just like this: when we were all little immature kids, we were all afraid of the dark; then as we learned that there is no boogie man and we become mature in this area of thinking, we see how FOOLISH it is to be afraid of the dark! That is just how it is with being nude around others! We are SUPPOSED to get over our insecurity and our fear and bashfulness and grow out of that childish thinking and learn to be comfortable in our God given skin. We should all be past those insecurities by now.
Also I loved to get done with swimming and all the guys would go to the locker room and take off our speedos and hang out naked in the showers; man some of them were so big for their size! Then in boy scouts we would love to get nude and take showers outdoors; at summer camp the different camps were in a circle and there was a nice open shower right as you walked into your campsite! Wide open with NO shame building walls around it! SO much freedom. took nice long naked showers right in front of everyone! wish we could live that way now!
- 13 years ago
Thanks for starting your diary. and its nice to know that you all had such opportunity of open shower in scout. I too was in scout...went for camps....but no such scope to be nude fully. I will share that experience separately. Please continue with your writing.
- 13 years ago