How Nude is Cap d'agde?
So my wife and I are making our first trip to Cap d'agde this august, we will be staying at Rene Oltra in a chalet. I am very excited about what appears to be a nudistsParadise, my wifeis very supportive of the lifestyle but would not seek it out on her own.She has gone fully nude at public nude beaches but she likes when its on her own terms (notobligatory). So she was a little hesitant when idescribed Rene Oltra as anobligatory(fully) nude campground.
My wife did someresearchand found plenty of pictures of women and men with clothing on during the day (i understand things are different for dinner time or bad weather). So she questioned if it wasreallyobligatory?
So just how nude is Rene Oltra, is full nudity the norm, do many women where a sarong, is ittruly a nudistsparadise?
- 13 years ago
It's nude and a whole lot more. I'd recommend La Jenny or Euronat instead.
- 13 years ago
Thanks for the response, I have certainly heard that there are many swingers that frequent Cap d'agde. Its not for us but to each their own. We plan on spending most of our time at the beach orenjoyingsome of the activities around the campground. I hope there is not open sexual activity in around the campground or beach.
As we have already booked, we are a bitcommitted. That being said if things go well maybe i canconvincemy wife to take another nude holiday at La Jenny or Euronat. Both look very nice andfriendly, is it the price, the people, or the location that you prefer?
Thanks again
- 13 years ago
Thanks for all the info!
- 13 years ago
LiPuma77 has got it more or less right. I heard that some years ago that total nudity was obligatory on the beach. If I had to put it in round figures, nowadays 90% are nude on the beach, 9% wear a sarong or topless or suchlike and 1% wear trunks or bikini. Elsewhere around the resort, clothing optional sums it up. The point is that nothing is obligatory at the Cap. It really is not an issue to others if your clothed or not. Hard to believe until you are actually there. Its all different in the evening. Partly because its cooler and partly because the norm for more than half the people is to dress as sexily as possible, from revealing to just outrageous. a novelty to begin with but it soon wears off and gets irritating after a while. Apart from that the Cap is wonderful because it so large, diverse and about the best beach in southern France. The campsite is generally more nude than elsewhere but even there nudity is not obligatory.
- 13 years ago
If you "TrueNudists" you will feel comfy at the campsite part where vast majority are nudies or close enough to that, the lifestylers (who not into pure nudity but exhibitionism et al) crowd more the "city" section with shops, bars and pubs more. After sunset outside campground some attire recommended if you do not want to strike out, daytime hours full nudity feels OK as enough nudes anywhere. In case your chalet not equipped with showers, you should be comfy about unisex showering. If you do not want to eat out each meal, pays off to shop groceries and drinks further out in textile world, which again best accessible by car.
- 13 years ago
let 's face it, where else can you go to the bank fully naked and not get arrested?It's a true nudist experience, we stay away from the bars and clubs and have a good time. We'll be there 1st week in september.
- 13 years ago
let 's face it, where else can you go to the bank fully naked and not get arrested?
With the money I owe them, I'm afraid to go near my bank, naked or clothed.
- 13 years ago
We've stayed in both the campsite and the 'city' parts of Cap d'Agde. As nudists we went to enjoy the holidays clothes free, we went with friends and some of us remained nude all of the time we were there, others wore something when they got cool in the evening. Some places prefer you not to be nude in the evenings but its possible to eat out etc as nudists 24/7. We didn't go there to wear clothing so the places which attract the wearing of various styles of outfits were not why we'd gone to Cap d'Agde.
We were the only nude people on occasion in some parts of the site during the evenings. As Cap d'Agde is clothing optional this was fine, we chose to be nude, others chose to wear something, we felt comfortable with our preference.
In summary, Cap d'Agde is as nude as you wish to spend your time there. Go as a nudist and enjoy being naked for the whole time there. Go as a warm-weather nudist and be naked when you're warm enough to be so. Go as someone who enjoys other alternative lifestyles and do whatever Cap d'Agde offers you.
- 11 years ago