I firmly believe that if we nudists offend anyone with our nudity we are damaging our chances of acceptance by non-nudists therefore I have always been careful to be nude only in privacy, in nudist clubs or in C/O resorts. I really wanted to get some really good pictures of myself, though. So I gave the camera to my wife, showed her how to zoom in and out, press the button half way for focus and exposure.
I have an area in my yard which is a wonderful background for nude photography and the foliage creates a privacy screen of sorts which would protect me from anything except a random chance viewing by one of the neighbors. So....My wife was reluctantly lining up the shot. I dropped my shorts to the ground, kicked them out of camera range. I was standing there bare ass naked. Not nude but naked ( see forum posts on nude and naked). I felt naked since there was a small chance someone could come out in their yard and spot me.
I noticed immediately that she had the camera in a horizontal position for what was obviously a vertical format shot. It did not seem to be the time for additional photography lessons, however. After what seemed to be a lifetime watching for neighbors, shifting poses, I slipped my shorts back on.
I checked the preview in the camera. There were two shots, one with me beginning to unbutton my shorts and one nude with the top of my head cut off. Is it any wonder that there is not more good nude photography?
Grin and bare it

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The self timer and tripod is an excellent idea for use in some situations, however, as I mentioned in my previous post I am a former professional photographer. I am now looking for photos of professional quality. I have posted a few which are good snapshots at best.
The area of my yard with the excellent background has only limited privacy and I would have to step out into full view to trip the shutter. Also to achieve the quality photos which I want, several shots should be taken of each pose with a shift of camera angle. This would not be practice in my yard on self timer.
I have made some discreet queries and there may be a female neighbor that would do the photos with the enthusium and attention to detail necessary to produce good photos. If that does not pan out, I will be on the lookout for wilderness areas with good backgrounds. A place where my privacy would be assured long enough to put the self timer method to good use.
As a last resort, of course, a record shots could be dropped into the good backgrounds using Photoshop.
Grin and bare it.

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i don't lug a tripod around with me when i go hikes, just my camera, but i still manage to get some self shots using the timer. one secluded spot on the trial i often hike has a bench and i just balance the camera on the back, i have also used tree trunks or downed trees.
i find the self shots done in front of the mirror amusing, its like the person couldn't figure out the timer function, most cameras have them nowadays. even the cheaper ones. and a tripod isn't needed when in the home.

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RE: I DONT BELIEVE IT-I got some decent pictures

Since my first post I met a nice nude couple on a beach in NC. What we have determined, to date, nudity is not legal on the beach. The question is if the anti-nudity laws are enforced there. Based on my experience as a former professional photographer, I gave them a few hints and, with my camera, they proceeded to take some of the best shots I've ever had taken. They were also kind enough to pose for a picture as a couple which I took. these pictures are posted in my profile captioned "Bird Island".

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RE: I DONT BELIEVE IT-I got some decent pictures

Since my first post I met a nice nude couple on a beach in NC. What we have determined, to date, nudity is not legal on the beach. The question is if the anti-nudity laws are enforced there. Based on my experience as a former professional photographer, I gave them a few hints and, with my camera, they proceeded to take some of the best shots I've ever had taken. They were also kind enough to pose for a picture as a couple which I took. these pictures are posted in my profile captioned "Bird Island".

I guess I'm going to have to break down and become a paid member one of these days so I can see them.

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