Coming out to friends

I have come out to two of my friends about my likings for naturism. One guy said that he was not surprised as e saw me taking nude bath when we went for a trekking during our college days. he said why do you have to go outside if you want a natural set up for bathing..try out with a money plant in your shower room. He has weird sense of humor.
The other case is very interesting. He is muc ex colleague. I always liked him but had to maintain a professional distance. Then we parted and lost connection. Fortunately we again reunited. And one day he called me when I was having a nude bath in a wild creek. And I shared him tat i was taking bath in a river and described the surrounding. He told me - he would join me next time.
I told him taht he can always accompany me but he has to participate fully and then I disclosed that I was bathing nude in nature. To my surprise he was full with laughter and said what could be better than this????
Then he said some of his nude experiences. We ended up up saying that we discovered a new dimension in our relationship with a greater bonding.
will write here on the day when i will have first nude meet with him.

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RE: Coming out to friends

The second friend called up and asked if I like boozing. And he shared that he has a flat which is vacant...we both can go there and have beer and remain freely.
I have a gut feel that we are progressing.

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RE: Coming out to friends

I am REALLY glad that i have never had to do the comming out thing being brought up in a nudist colony. I do not know how to go about it except just tell everyone I know.
I have always been an honest and rather forthright preson in the first place saying what i mean and not mincing words and all my friends know that so I guess maybe it would be easy. I even answer the door nude, of course scaring all the solicitors and "missionaries" that want to convert me. Of on my door is a sign proclaiming that "Herein lives a nudist so if you are offended, please get lost. Thank you" and they still ring the doorbell @ 7 am. Oh well.

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RE: Coming out to friends

We envy you man!! We had never been brought up in nudist's colony. So discussing it with friends is a big thing..............Tell us more about your experiences in nude colony..

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RE: Coming out to friends: Reply 1

Well, the FIRST THING to do with respect to comming out to friends is getting past THEIR idealisms of what nudism TRUELY is so try and sit down with them ONE ON ONE at a time and say something like "I heard a friend of mine [ WITHOUT mentioning names ] came out of the closet as a longtime nudist.......and my reaction was WOW." and wait for their response. THAT RESPONSE will tell you what kind of work you have ahead of you.
As for my "experiencies in the colony, have you read my diary posts and profile? that will tell you allot. then go ahead and ask for more details. Of course, after reading all that, you might have ALLOT more questions. Heheheheheheehehehehehe.

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RE: Coming out to friends: Reply 1

Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehe....liked your strategy of coming out.
Yesterday I disclosed it to one of my co-worker. we were traveling from a remote place and thus waiting for a train at a quintessential small station at 11.00 pm. It was a breezy night and we were resting on a cemented slab under a huge rain-tree. It was a night flooded with moon light. There were only few people here and there........there was absolutely no sound except the murmur of leaves. I was lying on grass and he was sitting beside me. He was asking about my experiences as a traveler. I was telling him of various funny incidents that happened while I was traveling.
Then I shared with him an experience...when on a deserted sea beach I stripped and bathed and finally lost my all cloths which made me walking nude along the beach. then I met a group of nudist men who invited me to join them. I spent the rest of the day with them and had lot of discussion on naturism. At the end, one of them gave me a sarong to cover before I reached my hotel.
I told him that it was a real liberating experience.
He listened to the story with apt attention.

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RE: Coming out to friends: Reply 1

many of my friends feel that being nude while haveing bath in wild nature is very natural.......

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RE: Coming out to friends

Scheming to remain nude with an old friend. Will keep you updated.

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RE: Coming out to friends

Seems we will get some good stories ahead...:)

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RE: Coming out to friends

I too hope so.. : )

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RE: Coming out to friends

I have a masseur (M) who is very friendly and free.
Last time when he came came..I was in shower. I kept the front door open and when he called me I asked him to come into my sitting room directly. I came out from shower nude. this is first time I stripped completely. He did not say anything. And I offered him some juice. He took it and then I told him that I am going to have a nude massage...he agreed.
Though he did not strip but I told him about my passion for nudism. Told him about TN. After he finished massage he showed interest to see the TN site. And we both visited the site.

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