Weekly Central London Naturist Swim!

Hi guys!
Just though I'd let everyone know of the newWeekly Central London Naturist Swim!Here is the link:Weekly Central London Naturist Swim
Did anyone go last week?
Here is the info from the website:
British Naturism is holding a Naturist swim at University of London Union's pool on a weekly basis commencing Sunday 22nd April. The times are 13.00 - 14.00hrs. It is open to all Naturists and not just BN members, but please note that it is not a clothes optional event.
As an opening offer for the first few weeks, the cost for anyone 18 years and over will be 5. Under 18's are free. Children are welcome, but must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Please note 16 & 17 yrs olds may attend without a parent or guardian if they are either YBN members, or if a letter of consent has been sent in advance to the BN office, and been acknowledged.
Parents with younger children should also be aware that the depth of the pool goes from 1.07m to 3.40m. Polystyrene floats are available.
The venue is easy to find being the first building in Malet Street (north end) and clearly labelled. Once inside, you go directly across the hall (ULU cafe to the left, ULU shop to the right) down the stairs and you are in "EnergyBase" - what they call the sports facility.

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